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Topic: Divide and Conquer
General idea: Divide a problem into subprograms of the same kind; solve subprograms using the same approach, and combine partial solution (if necessary). Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
List List 1 List 2 n elements n/2 elements n/2 elements min, max min1, max1 min2, max2 min = MIN ( min1, min2 ) max = MAX ( max1, max2) Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
The Divide-and-Conquer algorithm: procedure Rmaxmin (i, j, fmax, fmin); // i, j are index #, fmax, begin // fmin are output parameters case: i = j: fmax ← fmin ← A (i); i = j –1: if A (i) < A (j) then fmax ← A (j); fmin ← A (i); else fmax ← A (i); fmin ← A (j); else: mid ← ; call Rmaxmin (i, mid, gmax, gmin); call Rmaxmin (mid+1, j, hmax, hmin); fmax ← MAX (gmax, hmax); fmin ← MIN (gmin, hmin); end end; Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
Example: find max and min in the array: 22, 13, -5, -8, 15, 60, 17, 31, 47 ( n = 9 ) Index: Array: Rmaxmin(1, 9, 60, -8) 1, 5, 22, , 9, 60, 17 1, 3, 22, , 5, 15, ,7, 60, , 9, 47, 31 1,2, 22, , 3,-5, -5 (1) (6) (7) (2) (5) (8) (3) (4) Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
Find the maximum and minimum The problem: Given a list of unordered n elements, find max and min The straightforward algorithm: max ← min ← A (1); for i ← 2 to n do if A (i) > max, max ← A (i); if A (i) < min, min ← A (i); Key comparisons: 2(n – 1) Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
Analysis: For algorithm containing recursive calls, we can use recurrence relation to find its complexity T(n) - # of comparisons needed for Rmaxmin Recurrence relation: Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
Assume n = 2k for some integer k Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
Theorem: Claim: They don’t have to be the same constant. We make them the same here for simplicity. It will not affect the overall result. where are a, b, c constants Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
Proof: Assume n = ck Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
If a < c, is a constant T(n) = bn · a constant T(n) = O(n) if a = c, Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
If a > c, Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
2. Matrix multiplication The problem: Multiply two matrices A and B, each of size Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
The traditional way: use three for-loop Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
The Divide-and-Conquer way: transform the problem of multiplying A and B, each of size [n×n] into 8 subproblems, each of size Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
which an2 is for addition so, it is no improvement compared with the traditional way Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
Example: use Divide-and-Conquer way to solve it as following: Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
Strassen’s matrix multiplication: · Discover a way to compute the Cij’s using 7 multiplications and 18 additions or subtractions Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
Algorithm : procedure Strassen (n, A, B, C) // n is size, A,B the input matrices, C output matrix begin if n = 2, else (cont.) Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
else Partition A into 4 submatrices: ; Partition B into 4 submatrices: ; call Strassen ( ; call Strassen ( call Strassen ( ; Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
call Strassen ( ; end; Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
Analysis: Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
Assume n = 2k for some integer k Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
3. Integer multiplication The problem: Multiply two large integers (n digits) The traditional way: Use two loops, it takes O(n2) operations Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
The Divide-and-Conquer way: Suppose x and y are large integers, divide x into two parts (a and b), and divide y into c and d. x: y: a b c d So, transform the problem of multiplying two n-digit integers into four subproblems of multiplying two -digit integers. Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
Worst-Case is: However, it is same as the traditional way. Instead, we write: Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
The algorithm by Divide-and-Conquer: function multiplication (x,y) begin n = MAX ( # of digits in x, # of digits in y); if (x = 0) or (y = 0), return 0; else if (n = 1), return x*y in the usual way; else m = ; a = x divide 10m; b = x rem 10m; c = y divide 10m; d = y rem 10m; p1= MULTIPLICATION (a, c); p2= MULTIPLICATION (b, d); p3 = MULTIPLICATION (a+b, c+d); return ; end; Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
4. Merge Sort The problem: Given a list of n numbers, sort them in non-decreasing order idea: Split each part into 2 equal parts and sort each part using Mergesort, then merge the two sorted sub-lists into one sorted list. The algorithm: procedure MergeSort (low, high) begin if then call MergeSort (low, mid); call MergeSort (mid+1, high); call Merge (low, mid, high); end; Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
procedure Merge (low, mid, high) begin while (i mid and j high) if A(i) < A(j), then U(k) A(i); i++; else U(k) A(j); j++; k++; if (i > mid) move A(j) through A(high) to U(k) through U(high); else move A(i) through A(mid) to U(k) through U(high); for p low to high A(p) U(p); end; Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
Analysis: Worst-Case for MergeSort is: Best-Case & Average-Case? Merge sort pays no attention to the original order of the list, it will keep divide the list into half until sub-lists of length 1, then start merging. Therefore Best-Case & Average-Case are the same as the Worst-Case O(nLogn) Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
5. Quick Sort The problem: Same as Merge Sort Compared with Merge Sort: Quick Sort also use Divide-and-Conquer strategy Quick Sort eliminates merging operations Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
How it works? Use partition Eg: Sort array 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 60, 55, 50, 45 45 85 Pivot item 65 Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
The algorithm: procedure QuickSort (p, q) begin if p < q, then call Partition (p, q, pivotposition); call QuickSort (p, pivotposition –1); call QuickSort (pivotposition+1, q); end; procedure Partition (low, high, pivotposition) v A(low); j low; for i (low + 1) to high if A(i) < v, j++; A(i) A(j); pivotposition j; A(low) A(pivotposition); Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
Analysis: Worst-Case: Call Partition O(n) times, each time takes O(n) steps. So O(n2), and it is worse than Merge Sort in the Worst-Case. Best-Case: Split the list evenly each time. Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
Average-Case: Assume pivot is selected randomly, so the probability of pivot being the kth element is equal, k. C(n) = # of key comparison for n items average it over all k, (CA(n) is average performance) multiply both side by n Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
replace n by n-1 subtract (2) from (1) Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
divide n(n + 1) for both sides Best-Case = Average-Case Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
6. Selection (Project #2) The problem: Given a list of n elements find the kth smallest one Note: special cases: when k = 1, min when k = n, max The solving strategy: Algorithm #1 Use sorting strategy like MergeSort, sort the whole list and then return the kth element of the sorted list Both Best-Case and Worst-Case take O(n Log n) Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
Algorithm #2 idea: use “partition” (from Quick Sort) procedure repeatedly until we find the kth smallest element. For each iteration: If pivot position i = k Done! If pivot position i < k to select (k-i)th element in the 2nd sub-list. If pivot position i > k to select kth element in the 1st sub-list. Best-Case is O(n) (when pivot is the kth smallest one) Worst-Case will call partition O(n) times, each time takes O(n), so Worst-Case is O(n2). i = pivot position pivot 1st sub-list 2nd sub-list Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
procedure Algorththm#2 (A, n, k) // A is array, n is # of array, k is key begin m 1; j n; loop call Partition (m, j, pivotposition); case: k = pivotposition: return A(k); k < pivotposition: j pivotposition – 1; else: m pivotposition + 1; k k - pivotposition; end loop; end; Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
Algorithm #3 idea: Same as Algorithm#2 except it always find a special element of the list called MM (Median of Medians), and use MM as the pivot. In class KLA activity to explain MM. We can show that both Best-Case and Worst-Case take O(n) Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
By choosing pivot more carefully, we can obtain a selection algorithm with Worst-Case complexity O(n) How: Make sure pivot v is chosen s.t. at least some fraction of the elements will be smaller than v and at least some other fraction of elements will be greater than v. Example: 35 (n) elements divide into 7 (n/r) subsets of size 5 (r) Elements mm Non- decreasing Order (all columns) mm (median of medians) The middle row is in non-decreasing order Elements mm Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
By choosing pivot more carefully, we can obtain a selection algorithm with Worst-Case complexity O(n) Use mm (median of medians) rule to choose pivot procedure Select2 (A, n, k) begin if n r, then sort A and return the kth element; divide A into subset of size r each, ignore excess elements, and let be the set of medians of the subsets; Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
Select ; use “Partition” to partition A using v as the pivot; // Assume v is at pivotposition case: k = pivotposition: return (v); k < pivotposition: let S be the set of elements A (1,…, pivotposition –1), return Select2 (S, pivotposition –1, k); else: let R be the set of element A (pivotposition+1,…, n), return Select2 (R, n- pivotposition, k-pivotposition); end case; end; Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
Analysis: How many Mi’s (or ) mm? At least How many elements (or ) mm? How many elements > mm (or < mm)? At most Assume r = 5 Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
Therefore, procedure Select2 the Worst-Case complexity is: where c is chosen sufficiently large so that T(n) cn for n < 24. Proof: Use induction to show T(n) 20 cn (n 24) IB (induction base): Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
Topic: Divide and Conquer
IH (induction hypothesis): Suppose IS (induction solution): When n = m; T(n) = O(n) complexity of Select2 of n elements Young CS 331 D&A of Algo. Topic: Divide and Conquer
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