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Mr. Hocker Students news 13 colonies diagram ?????? Complete if needed.

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1 Mr. Hocker Students news 13 colonies diagram ?????? Complete if needed

2 1500s: many Christians grew tired of the Catholic Church
They responded by forming new Christian churches

3 1534: King of England separated from the Catholic Church
No changes, just a new name and a new leader (king)

4 Believed the Church of England had to be “purified” (stripped of its Catholic ways)
No music, church decorations, sacraments, bishops #reforms

5 The Pilgrims: extreme separatists who wanted to leave the Church of England The Puritans: wanted to remain in the Church of England, but make changes to it

6 The belief that God decides before you are born, whether you will go to heaven or hell
God has all the power, humans have none

7 Puritans believed that everything in life happened for a reason and was part of God’s plan
God sent people messages Natural disasters, bankruptcy, good/bad harvests

8 The Bible was the revealed word of God
Reading and interpreting messages in the bible was the center of their faith

9 Puritan lives revolved around books, learning, and reading
Every person was expected to be able to read (for religious purposes) God revealed himself in nature, history, and the Bible Uneducated people were more likely to be under the influence of Satan

10 England filled with sin and overpopulated
The king hated Puritans Wars in Europe

11 Land available America
To compete with Catholic France To save the souls of Natives


13 The Puritans sailed to America in 1630, 10 years after the Pilgrims
The Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony Boston became the economic center of New England


15 John Winthrop proclaimed that the Massachusetts Bay Colony would be a “city on a hill, in which the eyes of all people are upon us”

16 Between the years of 1629 and 1640, 20,000 English migrated to New England
Whole families migrated


18 The Puritans founded Harvard and developed a public education system throughout Massachusetts

19 Banished from Massachusetts for spreading “diverse, new, and dangerous opinions”
Objections to Puritan Church Stole land from Natives Not tolerant of other beliefs No separation of Church and State


21 Held prayer meetings in her house and spoke out against mainstream Puritan beliefs
Controversial views: Women should play a more active role in the church The holy spirit should guide a person’s actions and beliefs (inner light) God spoke through her, not the bible

22 Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson both questioned Puritan beliefs and were banished from Massachusetts Williams and Hutchinson influenced the American principles of separation of Church and State, as well as freedom of religion

23 The Puritans left England to have religious freedom, but once in America persecuted those who had different beliefs The Puritans did not want anyone to question their leadership, religious interpretations, or moral codes Crash Course Colonization

24 Crash Course Colonization
Access the link above. On a piece of loose leaf paper , each student must create 5 questions. They can be true/ false, Multiple choice, and or fill in the blank. Example: The Puritans came to America in search of A. Religious Freedom B. Land C. Both A & b None of the above

25 Exit Ticket Create a Twitter handle as if you were a Puritan.
Example: Make a fake tweet on a piece of paper (same as created questions paper) Example: Just founded Harvard #education *Cant use the above example

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