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Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e1 Presentation Package for Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e Section I: Concept 02: Self-Management and Self-Planning Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e1 Presentation Package for Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e Section I: Concept 02: Self-Management and Self-Planning Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e1 Presentation Package for Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e Section I: Concept 02: Self-Management and Self-Planning Skills for Health Behavior Change All rights reserved Learning and regularly using self-management skills can help you adopt and maintain healthy lifestyles throughout life.

2 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e2 Making Lifestyle Changes Many adults want to make lifestyle changes but are unable to do so. A "lifestyle" is more than the way we spend our time!A "lifestyle" is more than the way we spend our time! –Lifestyles are the behaviors that we adopt based on the context of our life circumstances. Takes time to change People progress forward and backward through several stages of change.

3 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e3 Stages of Change Research shows that people advance through a series of stages as they attempt to change behaviors At what stage are you? See: Lab 2a Web 02-1 Lab 2a info

4 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e4 Pros and Cons of Physical Activity Across Stages

5 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e5 Factors that Promote Lifestyle Change

6 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e6 Predisposing Factors Am I able?Am I able? –Self-confidence –Self-efficacy –Safe environment –Access Is it Worth it?Is it Worth it? –Self-motivation –Enjoyment –Balanced attitudes –Beliefs –Knowledge

7 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e7 Enabling Factors Goal setting skillsGoal setting skills Self-assessmentSelf-assessment Self-monitoringSelf-monitoring Self-planningSelf-planning Performance skillsPerformance skills Coping skillsCoping skills Consumer skillsConsumer skills Time managementTime management

8 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e8 Reinforcing Factors SuccessSuccess Family SupportFamily Support Peer SupportPeer Support Support of health professionalsSupport of health professionals Do societal norms reinforce healthy behavior? Yes or No

9 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e9 Self-Management Skills Skills you learn and practice to help you change and adhere to healthy lifestyles.Skills you learn and practice to help you change and adhere to healthy lifestyles. Also called self-regulation skills.Also called self-regulation skills. Lab 2b info

10 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e10 Self-Management Skills A major goal of the class is to help you develop self management skills so that you can maintain an active and healthy lifestyleA major goal of the class is to help you develop self management skills so that you can maintain an active and healthy lifestyle Different self management skills are needed for predisposing, enabling and reinforcing factors.Different self management skills are needed for predisposing, enabling and reinforcing factors.

11 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e11 Self Management Skills Changing Predisposing FactorsChanging Predisposing Factors –Overcoming barriers –Building self confidence and motivation –Balancing attitudes –Building knowledge and changing beliefs

12 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e12 Self Management Skills Changing Enabling FactorsChanging Enabling Factors –Goal setting skills –Self-assessment skills –Self-monitoring skills –Self-planning skills –Performance skills –Adopting coping skills –Learning consumer skills –Managing time

13 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e13 Self Management Skills Changing Reinforcing FactorsChanging Reinforcing Factors –Finding social support –Preventing relapse

14 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e14 Self-Planning for Healthy Lifestyles 1.Clarifying reasons for exercise 2.Identifying needs 3.Setting personal goals 4.Selecting program components 5.Writing your plan 6.Evaluating progress See subsequent slides for additional information about each category.

15 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e15 Step 1: Clarify Reasons Reasons should reflect why you think you would like to be active.Reasons should reflect why you think you would like to be active. –Examples: feel better, have more energy, social benefits etc... Reasons are NOT goals but rather statements that help you identify the benefits that are most important to you.Reasons are NOT goals but rather statements that help you identify the benefits that are most important to you.

16 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e16 Z O N E S Z O N E S LOW MARGINAL GOOD HIGH PERFORMANCE Step 2: Identify Needs Because fitness is multi-dimensional, it is important to strive for the health standard (Good) for each dimension.Because fitness is multi-dimensional, it is important to strive for the health standard (Good) for each dimension. High performance is NOT necessary for good health.High performance is NOT necessary for good health.

17 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e17 Step 3: Setting Personal Goals Most people find better success when using behavioral (process) goals rather than outcome (product) goalsMost people find better success when using behavioral (process) goals rather than outcome (product) goals Goals are most effective when they are put in writingGoals are most effective when they are put in writing My Goals Click for goal setting guidelines Web 02-4

18 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e18 Step 4: Selecting Program Components Weight controlWeight control Cardiovascular fitnessCardiovascular fitness Muscular FitnessMuscular Fitness HealthHealth Program plans will be different depending on the focus of your program.

19 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e19 Step 5: Writing Your Plan Pledge or promise to be activePledge or promise to be active Can facilitate adherence to your programCan facilitate adherence to your program Include daily plans with scheduled times and other program detailsInclude daily plans with scheduled times and other program details

20 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e20 Step 6: Evaluating Progress Provides feedback and lets you know what types of programs or exercises work best for you.Provides feedback and lets you know what types of programs or exercises work best for you. Self-monitoringSelf-monitoring –Dietary log –Pedometer Self-assessmentsSelf-assessments –Use same ones as in beginning to evaluate your progress

21 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e21 Program Planning Suggestions Find activities that you enjoyFind activities that you enjoy Start graduallyStart gradually Make exercise funMake exercise fun Vary your programVary your program Use warm-up/cool- downUse warm-up/cool- down

22 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e22 Pre-planned Exercise Programs Commonly found in magazines, TV and the web.Commonly found in magazines, TV and the web. –May not be well designed to suit your needs. Criteria for evaluating pre-planned programs:Criteria for evaluating pre-planned programs: –Who wrote it? –Does it have multiple levels? –Does it meet your needs? –Do you enjoy it? –Can you adapt it?

23 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e23 Theories /Models of Healthy Lifestyle Adoption Transtheoretical ModelTranstheoretical Model Health Beliefs ModelHealth Beliefs Model Social Ecological ModelSocial Ecological Model Theory of Reasoned ActionTheory of Reasoned Action Social Cognitive TheorySocial Cognitive Theory Theory of Planned BehaviorTheory of Planned Behavior Self-Determination TheorySelf-Determination Theory Web02 - 07 Web02-07 has resource links on each of these theories

24 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e24 Guidelines for Promoting Exercise Adherence Avoid comparisons with othersAvoid comparisons with others Do not expect immediate resultsDo not expect immediate results Exercise as a reward NOT as a punishment or chore!Exercise as a reward NOT as a punishment or chore!

25 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e25 Hints for Successful Behavior Change Make small changesMake small changes Reward your progressReward your progress Do not give upDo not give up

26 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e26 Web Resources On the Web On the Web pages for Concept On the Web Online Learning Center Online Learning Center

27 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e27 Supplementary Graphics Lab Information Goal Setting Guidelines

28 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e28 Lab 2a Information The Stages of Change Questionnaire Return to presentation For each health behavior listed in The Stage of Change Questionnaire, assess your current stage in the stage of change hierarchy.For each health behavior listed in The Stage of Change Questionnaire, assess your current stage in the stage of change hierarchy. Place a check beside one level (for each behavior) that you think best represents your current stage.Place a check beside one level (for each behavior) that you think best represents your current stage. Identify two health behaviors especially in need of change.Identify two health behaviors especially in need of change.

29 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e29 Lab 2b Information The Self-Management Skills Questionnaire Return to presentation Complete the Self-Management survey.Complete the Self-Management survey. Sum scores to get composite indicator of self- management skillsSum scores to get composite indicator of self- management skills Discuss your rating and scores for physical activity, nutrition, and self-managementDiscuss your rating and scores for physical activity, nutrition, and self-management Discuss skills you could learn that would help you become a better self-managerDiscuss skills you could learn that would help you become a better self-manager Discuss what self-management is needed for other behaviorsDiscuss what self-management is needed for other behaviors

30 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e30 Goal Setting Guidelines S.M.A.R.T. goalsS.M.A.R.T. goals Be realisticBe realistic Focus on exerciseFocus on exercise Consider heredityConsider heredity Consider maintenanceConsider maintenance Set lifestyle goalsSet lifestyle goals Put goals in writingPut goals in writing Return to presentation

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