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Changes in American Society

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1 Changes in American Society
ED 1010

2 Self Assessment 1. In the U.S. the least likely family pattern is a) a single-parent family. b) a blended family with children from previous marriages. c) children living with grandparents or other relatives. d) a two-parent family with two children and the mother staying at home. 2. Which of the following is NOT true of U.S. families? a) Families headed by married couples make up over half of all households. b) The majority of women with children are in the workforce. c) The poverty rate for families headed by single parents is roughly comparable to that of the general population. d) The divorce rate has increased from 1978 to In Roughly 40-50% of first marriages end in divorce.

3 Changes in American Families
Traditional family—husband as primary breadwinner, stay-at-home mother, and 2 children—makes up only 6% of U.S. families. 68% of families composed of married couples. 70% of women with children work. 32% of children live with single parent or some other caregiver. Poverty rate for single-parent families 7–8 times higher than for families of married couples.

4 Families Childcare: before and after school
Childcare: before and after school Latchkey: problems with lack of supervision How does this impact the teacher? Class discussion: write some responses pg 72-73

5 Self Assessment 3. Which of the following is NOT included as a factor in socioeconomic status (SES)? a) Occupation b) Marital status c) Income d) Education level 4. Which of the following is NOT true of poverty in the U.S.? a) Poverty in the U.S. is comparable to poverty rates in other industrialized countries. b) Poverty is more common among minorities. c) Poverty is more common among families headed by single mothers. d) Poverty is more common among children.

6 Socioeconomic Status (SES): The combination of family income, parents’ occupations, and the level of parental education Poverty in the US is 5 times greater and other industrialized countries. 1 in 5 U.S. Students live in poverty. Page 75

7 Influence of Socioeconomic Status on Education
Ruby Payne survey Fulfillment of basic needs Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Family stability School-related experiences Students learn as much during the school year. Middle class students gained ground over the summer while low-income students lost ground. (Alexander, Entwisle, & Olson, 2001) Interaction patterns in the home Parental attitudes and values


9 Upper class Middle class Working class Lower class $170,000 +
Educated, professional occupations Middle class $40, ,000 Educated, white collar, skilled blue collar Working class $25,000-40,000 Blue collar, high school education, maybe some college Lower class Below $25,000 Unskilled labor How does this impact teaching?

10 Impact of SES Middle and upper class parents tend to include their children in adult conversations and ask their child’s opinions. (Rothstein, 2006) Middle and upper class homes usually have many books and periodicals. (Rothstein, 2006) Ratio of verbal encouragement: scolding Toddlers of professionals 6:1 Toddlers of working class 2:1 Toddlers of poverty 1:2 (Hart & Risley, 2003)

11 Impact of SES Children of poverty Lower birth weight Poorer vision, oral hygiene, nutrition, medical care More lead poisoning, asthma More mobility – move schools Higher absenteeism Each student needs a school that is safe, nurturing, and demanding with teachers providing high expectations and effective instruction.

12 Homelessness – pg 76 What does it mean to be homeless?
What are the unique needs of the homeless?

13 Bullying More common than many adults realize
74% of 8- to 11-year-olds and 86% of 12- to 15-year-olds reported bullying in their schools. Often occurs in places in schools outside the classroom Often ignored by teachers Requires a school-wide effort by all teachers

14 Peer Discussion 1. How do social cruelty and bullying affect the students involved? 2. Where are social cruelty and bullying most likely to be found in schools? 3. What can teachers do about the problems of social cruelty and bullying?

15 Changes in our Students
Alcohol & Drugs Crime & Violence Obesity Sexuality

16 Student Sexuality U.S. teenage pregnancy rate highest among Western industrialized countries Almost half of teenagers report being sexually active, some before age 13 Controversies in sex education center on abstinence-only versus more comprehensive approaches.

17 Experts estimate between 3 and 10% of US students are homosexual
Student struggling with same-sex feelings tend to be depressed and have higher rates of drug use and suicide. Sexual harassment: unwanted and/or unwelcome sexual behavior that interferes with a student’s sense of well-being 4 out of 5 students reported sexual harassment in schools Students feel powerless, worthless

18 Alcohol and Drugs Over half of all students tried an illicit drug by the time they finished high school. 75% of high school seniors reported alcohol use, 47% in the last 30 days. 45% of seniors experimented with marijuana or hashish. 50% of seniors, 39% of 10th-graders, and 26% of eighth-graders reported smoking cigarettes.

19 Obesity Becoming a national epidemic that starts during school years
Exacerbated by multiple factors: Sedentary lifestyle focused on TV and computers Diet Lack of exercise School soft-drink policies Show Obesity video *(Gold’s Gym) video Teach every child about food

20 Crime and Violence While a serious problem, incidence of crime and violence has decreased in recent years Students safer in schools than in their neighborhoods Crime and violence related to poverty in neighborhoods Student concerns highest at middle school level

21 Schoolwide Safety Programs
Intensive Interventions 5% Targeted Supports 15% Schoolwide Supports 70%

22 School Uniforms 14% of public schools current have a school uniform policy. (NCES) A school-wide effort to combat crime and violence Popular in many districts and supported by courts Critics claim Violates students’ individual rights Unsubstantiated effectiveness

23 School Uniforms (continued)
Advocates counter with these claims Improved discipline and classroom behavior Increased school attendance and respect for teachers Better school performance Lower clothing costs and social stratification Decreased crime and violence

24 Zero-Tolerance Policies
Students automatically suspended for offenses involving weapons, threats, or drugs Mandated by Congress and enforced by 75% of all schools Supported by teachers (70%) and parents (68%)

25 Zero-Tolerance Policies (continued)
Advocates claim they work, making schools safer. Critics question their effectiveness and find flaws in implementation, especially for minority students. Zero Tolerance Video

26 Table Discussion 1. What are the major goals of zero-tolerance policies? 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of zero-tolerance policies? 3. What could schools do to minimize the negative effects of zero-tolerance policies?

27 Child Abuse Teachers required by law to report
Teachers protected by law if they report Possible signs include Neglected appearance Sudden changes in either academic or social behavior Disruptive or overly compliant behavior Repeated injuries such as bruises, welts, or burns

28 “Janine, what happened to your arm. ” “Oh, I fell the other day
“Janine, what happened to your arm?” “Oh, I fell the other day.” “But, how did you hurt the inside of your arm?” Janine’s pained and embarrassed expression suggests that a fall wasn’t the cause. “Did someone try to hurt you, Janine? You can tell me.” “Only if you promise not to tell,” she blurts out. Without thinking, you agree. She then proceeds to tearfully tell you about an angry father who has been out of work for months and who becomes violent when he drinks. As she leaves she makes you promise that you won’t tell anyone. What would you do in this situation?

29 Dropout Problem Can have a significant effect on subsequent earnings
High school graduates earn 34% more than dropouts High school dropouts earn $260,000 less over a lifetime Closes the door to college Influenced by student ethnicity and SES Individual teachers can influence through caring and effective classroom practices.


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