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Introducing the Nursing Associate across the Thames Valley

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1 Introducing the Nursing Associate across the Thames Valley

2 Raising the Bar – Shape of Caring Review Oct 2015
Recommendation 8: “HEE should explore with others the need to develop a defined care role that would act as a bridge between the unregulated care assistant workforce and the registered nursing workforce”

3 The role of the Nursing Associate
The Nursing Associate will be equipped with the knowledge, skills and behaviours that will enable them to support the delivery of nursing care in and across a wide range of health and care settings. Under the leadership and direction of registered nurses, they will work within all aspects of the nursing process to provide high quality holistic and person-centred care to individuals and will support the registered nurse in the assessment, planning and evaluation of care. Nursing Associate Curriculum Document, Nov 2016.

4 The Nursing Associate in practice

5 The Nursing Associate in practice

6 The Nursing Associate in practice

7 The Nursing Associate in practice
How do we mitigate risk? Education and Training. Organisational Policy. Regulation. Drug Administration? Health Education England has requested that an Independent Scrutiny Group review current practice nationally & internationally. Pharmacology will remain part of Nursing Associate curriculum. Await advice regarding best practice from HEE. Ultimately will be decision of employer and organisational policy.

8 Nursing Associate Curriculum
Eight domains: 1: Professional values and parameters of practice 2: Person-centred approaches to care 3: Delivering care 4: Communication and inter-personal skills 5: Team-working and leadership 6: Duty of care, candour, equality and diversity 7: Supporting learning and assessment in practice 8: Research, development and innovation

9 Nursing Associate Curriculum
Each domain contains an overall learning outcome, which is described by a number of competence statements. These are presented as: knowledge to be acquired and applied; practical skills to be demonstrated; attitudes and behaviours to be consistently displayed.

10 Nursing Associate Curriculum
Curriculum requirements: Two year training programme at academic level 5. 675 hours (over 2 years) academic study. 675 hours (over 2 years) placement external to main workplace. Over a 45 week year this equates to the equivalent of: 1 day a week at University 1 day a week in placement external to main workplace. 3 days per week in main workplace

11 Nursing Associate Curriculum
Spectrum of Placements Minimum of two substantial external placements. Placements external to own organisation Must cover three places of care.

12 TV Nursing Associate Partnership
Berkshire Healthcare FT are Lead Employer Part of Southern approach to development of NA Local NA lead (Champions) identified within each employer TV Nursing Associate Partnership Board meet monthly Joint approach to interviews TV PAD TV Placement principles Online discussion platform NA conference in planning for November

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