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Containment of Communism

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1 Containment of Communism
7th Grade Social Studies

2 SS7H3 SS7H3: The student will analyze continuity and change in Southern and eastern Asia leading to the 21st century.

3 SS7H3e SS7H3e Explain the reasons for foreign involvement in Korea and Vietnam in terms of Containment of communism.

4 SS7H3e Containment: Prevent communism from spreading to other countries. This policy forced the U.S. to fight in the Korean War and the Vietnam war

5 SS7H3e Domino Theory: If one country falls to communism, the surrounding countries will also fall.

6 SS7H3e Korean War: After World War II, Korea gained independence from the Japanese However, Communist forces took control of the northern portion of the Korean peninsula… the southern part remained free

7 SS7H3e Korean War: In 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea (beginning the Korean war) North Korea and China versus South Korea and the U.S.

8 Korean War The U.S. entered the war to “contain” the spread of communism By 1953, an armistice (an agreement to stop fighting) was signed.

9 SS7H3e Korean War: North Korea remains under the control of the communists South Korea remains free The U.S. stopped the spread of communism in the Korean peninsula

10 SS7H3e Vietnam War By 1954, the Vietnamese gained independence from the French The communist took control of northern Vietnam… the South remained free

11 SS7H3e Vietnam War: The U.S. gave South Vietnam support against North Vietnam (to stop the spread of communism) By 1965, U.S. soldiers began fighting in Vietnam.

12 SS7H3e Vietnam War: Due to several factors, U.S. troops left Vietnam in 1973 In 1975, communist forces took control of South Vietnam

13 SS7H3e Vietnam War: Vietnam is under the control of the communists today The U.S. was not able to stop the spread of Communism in Vietnam


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