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Céline Scheidt, Pejman Tahmasebi and Jef Caers

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1 Céline Scheidt, Pejman Tahmasebi and Jef Caers
Updating joint uncertainty in trend and depositional models for exploration and early appraisal stage Céline Scheidt, Pejman Tahmasebi and Jef Caers

2 Real, turbidite reservoir in appraisal stage
Courtesy of ENI Only 1 well, no production yet Low quality 3D seismic w1 Considerable uncertainty in: Geological continuity, architecture, geobody dimensions Trends, target proportions MPS: focus on the depositional scenario  little attention on the trend or proportions How to model properly uncertainty in trend and proportions?

3 Location of next well to be drilled
The company is planning to drill a new well Courtesy of ENI w1 Location of next well to be drilled New well: may provide information on the uncertain parameters How can information from a new well be used to jointly update uncertainties?

4 Uncertainty in depositional scenario: levee and channel complex
Use of 3 different Training Images (TIs) Back Shale Thin-bed Bedded sand Massive sand TI2 TI3 Training case 1: base case Training case 2: Only one channel and lower sand percentages. Training case 3: In some zones levees are missing

5 Fixed probability maps : unrealistic model of uncertainty
Low quality geophysical data: uncertainty in trend 3D seismic data: Inverted into facies probability maps Background shales Thin beds Bedded sand Massive sand w2 ? w1 Fixed probability maps : unrealistic model of uncertainty Width of the belt?

6 Sub-grid used for the modeling
Uncertainty in trend: use of auxiliary variables Channel belt: use simple auxiliary variable Easily parameterized: w defines the width of the belt Uncertainty in the belt width accounted by varying the width of the auxiliary variable Sub-grid used for the modeling w2 w = 3.5km w = 7km w1 AXD Narrow belt AXD Wide belt

7 Incomplete information: Uncertainty on the proportions
What about proportions? Proportion is defined by: Well data: only 1 well Seismic data: low quality Training Image: expresses patterns, proportion is only implicitly defined Incomplete information: Uncertainty on the proportions Auxiliary variable with varying width w accounts for uncertainty in proportion Proportion becomes an output: p = p(w, TI, well) Proposed workflow additionally updates the uncertainty on the proportions

8 Prior distribution of uncertain parameters
Prior Uncertainties: uniformly distributed TI: training images: tik = {1,2,3} TR: trend (width of auxiliary variable) w = U([3.5,7])km

9 Construction of a set of prior models
CCSIM Tahmasebi et al. 2014 w = 3.5 w = 7 TI1 TI2 300 prior models for uncertainty modeling Shale proportion Width TI3

10 Probability of TI given dobs
Updating the prior uncertainties with new well data Prior Uncertainties: uniformly distributed TI: training images: tik = {1,2,3} TR: trend (width of auxiliary variable) w = U([3.5,7])km dobs Updated Uncertainties: distributed according to 2 1 Probability of Trend given dobs and TI Probability of TI given dobs

11 Updating the prior uncertainties with new well data
Prior Uncertainties: uniformly distributed TI: training images: tik = {1,2,3} TR: trend (width of auxiliary variable) w = U([3.5,7])km dobs Updated Uncertainties: distributed according to Update Proportion

12 Distance-based scenario modeling to update probabilities
1 Park H. et al. (2013) Density of points in metric space at the data location: f(data|TIk) for TI1 for TI2 for TI3 Water rate data Production data TI1 responses TI2 responses TI3 responses

13 Distance: difference of patterns at the well location
1 Distance: difference of patterns at the well location Extraction of well data at the well location Synthetic well values Observed well values Well location TI3 TI1 MDS  dr Multi-Point Histogram (MPH): Analyze difference in patterns TI2 dr2 Training Image dr1 TI1 TI2 TI3 P(TIk|dobs) 0.2 0.8

14 Updating probability of TR given TI and dobs
2 Updating probability of TR given TI and dobs Updated Uncertainties: distributed according to 2 1 Probability of Trend given dobs and TI TI1 TI2 TI3 P(TIk|dobs) 0.2 0.8 Challenges: TR is a continuous variable  density instead of probability Joint uncertainty in TR and TI  additional dimension to the problem Distance for distinguishing trends  difference in facies proportion at the well

15 Distance is difference in proportion
2 Distance is difference in proportion Definition of the distance w = 3.5km w = 7km Narrow w  mostly shale Large w  mostly sand  Proportion at the well is a good indication of w Well location Multi-dimensional scaling  dr fTI(w|dobs) width Training Image Training Image drobs dr1 width

16 Obtaining the final probability
2 1 TI1 TI2 TI3 P(TI|d) 0.2 0.8 fTI(w|dobs) TI w f(w,ti|dobs) TI w

17 Updating joint probability of TI and trend given actual well
Updated joint probability 1. Actual well: all in shale TI1 TI2 TI3 P(TI|d) 0.3 0.4 2. dobs f(w,ti|dobs) w TI fTI(w|dobs) TI w

18 Updating joint probability of TI and trend given actual well
Updated joint probability Probability map from seismic 6.5km w1 w2 Actual well: all in shale dobs f(w,ti|dobs) w TI

19 Updating joint probability of TI and proportions given actual well
Updated joint probability 1. Actual well: all in shale TI1 TI2 TI3 P(TI|d) 0.3 0.4 2. dobs f(p,ti|dobs) TI fTI(p|dobs) p TI p

20 What are the updated probabilities telling us?
Belt width w Small w and p are most likely For TI1 and TI2: Larger values of w possible Low proportions are most likely For TI3: Narrower channel belt Larger proportion possible New well not very informative on the TIs f(w,ti|dobs) TI w Proportions p f(p,ti|dobs) TI p

21 Rejection sampling yields similar distributions
Rejection sampling (1000s models) Proposed Approach (100s models) frequency f(w,ti|dobs) w TI w TI Rejection Sampling Draw a TI and w from the prior Generate a model m with TI and w Extract the well data If dry well, accept the model

22 Conclusions Uncertainty in trend: use auxiliary variable
AXD Uncertainty in trend: use auxiliary variable Variation of the channel belt width Proportion: output and not input Methodology to update probabilities on uncertain parameters given new well data Fully automated Validated using a resampling procedure d Useful for green fields with considerable uncertainty in depositional system, trend and proportion

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