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Improving Care for Older People in Acute Care

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1 Improving Care for Older People in Acute Care
Update: July 2012 Programme Aim Progress to Date To improve the care of older people in acute care, including:  the identification and spread of good practice for older people in acute hospital, building on work that is already evident and in existence, and the testing and implementing of improvements to deliver safe, effective, person-centred care for older people in acute hospital. Tasks Completed / key highlights A Critical Assimilation and Analysis Process (CAAP) was undertaken to review current evidence of care of older people in acute care. The emerging themes are consistent with topic themes for the work stream (continence, cognitive impairment, falls, nutritional care and tissue viability). A meeting of critical friends was held on 24 April 2012 to share CAAP findings, inspection themes and to consult on the draft improvement approach. A National Leads Meeting was held on 11 June 2012 to understand the current landscape of national programmes, identify current change packages and measures and identify opportunities to align with this work stream. The improvement approach was shared with pharmacy colleagues and there was agreement that ‘safer medicines’ should be an underpinning theme to this work. A Board engagement event was held on 26 June 2012 to consult on the improvement approach and to understand the requirements of NHS boards in supporting improvements in the care for older people in acute care. Key themes from the above engagement activities included: The importance of culture and leadership in this work Person-centred care is central to this work De-cluttering the landscape is required Topic areas identified for this work are consistent with inspection themes, evidence base, local and national priorities These topic areas could be proxy measures under the frailty pathway A hybrid approach of topic-specific and integrated approach along the patient pathway is required. Boards would like support with knowledge and evidence Current Work: Scoping Critical Assimilation and Analysis Process undertaken to review evidence. 24/04/12 – Critical Friends Meeting 11/06/12 – National Leads Meeting 12/06/12 – Scottish Mental Health Pharmacists 26/06/12 – Board Leaders Event 03/09/12 (tbc)–Innovation session to agree key messages to inform communication strategy Clinical Engagement Improvement planning Identification of test sites Engagement with test sites Planning for learning session 1 Challenges & Opportunities Identification of areas for improvement in large scale and complex agenda Opportunity to focus on the frailty pathway Develop alignment opportunities with person centred care collaborative programme (Healthcare Improvement Scotland/Scottish Government) including learning session 1 joint planning contact: (Implementation and Improvement Facilitator) or (Improvement Advisor)

2 Improvement planning activities
Improving Care for Older People in Acute Care UPDATE: July 2012 Risks for escalation (linked to Risk Register) Next Steps It is acknowledged that this is a highly complex and large scale agenda and so this work stream will be required to deliver within the identified scope agreed by the Programme Board. A risk register has been developed and risks will be elevated to the Programme Board as required. Task Deadline Letter to NHS boards 12 July 2012 Identification of NHS board test sites 6 August 2012 Programme Board Meeting 10 August 2012 Test site engagement and identification of good practice August – Oct 2012 Learning Session 1 20-21 November 2012 Communication Actions (linked to Communication Strategy and Action Plan Task Deadline Internal meeting to discuss alignment with person centred care collaborative programme. Impact Innovation Session being arranged to agree key messages for the programme. 10 July 2012 3 September 2012 (tbc) Timeline Clinical Engagement – Scoping Meetings Improvement planning activities CAAP March – April 2012 April 2012 – July 2012 August 2012 Test Site identification, engagement and Identify good practice

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