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Collaborating with our Faculty Colleagues

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Presentation on theme: "Collaborating with our Faculty Colleagues"— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaborating with our Faculty Colleagues
A Tool-Kit for Student Affairs Professionals Angela K. VanDijk, M.Ed. Academic Advisor Academic Success and Advising Center University of Colorado Denver


3 – Learning Reconsidered
“True liberal education requires the engagement of the whole student - and the deployment of every resource in higher education.” – Learning Reconsidered


5 “Words are the source of misunderstandings.”
– Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince

6 How are our faculty colleagues rewarded and recognized?


8 How are faculty evaluated?
(AKA: The Tenure Process)


10 How are we, as student affairs professionals, evaluated?


12 Assumption: Our “common ground” is our commitment to university service.

13 So, how do we effectively collaborate?

14 Engage with faculty through research and teaching.

15 How can Student Affairs Professionals Engage with Faculty outside of Service?
Research Grant writing, assessment, and evaluation Student recruitment and retention Early assurance programs

16 Teaching Learning communities Tutoring and supplemental instruction Professional development

17 Now it’s your Turn: How might you engage with faculty in areas outside of service?

18 Angela VanDijk
Questions? Angela VanDijk

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