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9th Grade Lesson 1 Fall.

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1 9th Grade Lesson 1 Fall

2 Academic Vocabulary Opener
Academic Vocabulary Word: ____________________ 30 seconds to write your own definition Share with partner Give definition Draw visual and write 3 examples in boxes Share out

3 Students copy down learning targets onto student handout
 I can identify, define, and begin to effectively use academic vocabulary in my writing. I can annotate text to understand author’s purpose and message. I can convey my thinking, in complete sentences, using proper writing conventions.  Students copy down learning targets onto student handout

4 Our Goal for YOU at RHS… A literate student is able to read, write, speak, and reason. Literacy acts as a gatekeeper that regulates access to economic and social mobility. Literacy is a lifelong skill that allows students to judge the details of their environment in order to navigate with purpose and clarity. It is the responsibility of all teachers to ensure every student leaves John R. Rogers with the abilities of a literate individual: To read, write, speak, and reason.

5 R.E.A.D. Annotation Strategy (Building-Wide Annotation Bookmarks)
Today’s focus

6 R.E.A.D. Annotation Strategy
Number the paragraphs. The title of the article (including author, citation information, etc. is paragraph 1). (R) Complete an initial “cold” reading of article. No annotations or anything.

7 R.E.A.D. Annotation Strategy
E: Together we will “explore and circle key terms and important points” in paragraph 2 (really the first paragraph, since paragraph 1 is the title). A: Together we will “underline the author’s claims and relevant information” in paragraph 2. We will add our thinking in the margins. D: Together we will “draw a box around new or unfamiliar words” in paragraph 2.

8 R.E.A.D. Annotation Strategy
E: With your neighbor “explore and circle key terms and important points” in paragraph 3 (the 2nd body paragraph). A: With your partner “underline the author’s claims and relevant information” in paragraph 3. Add your thinking in the margins. D: With your partner “draw a box around new or unfamiliar words” in paragraph 3.

9 R.E.A.D. Annotation Strategy (cont.)
Complete the R.E.A.D. Annotation strategy for paragraphs #4 to _____ individually. Underline 2-3 places in the text. Be sure to add your thinking in the margins. Different students will share out their work when we are done.

10 Elevator Share Stand as a group
One at a time, each student shares one annotation they wrote while reading the text. Once you have shared, you may take your seat. Be sure to listen as everyone shares.

11 Be prepared to share out your summaries.
GIST Statement Write a 20 word summary to summarize what the article was about. Use a complete sentence (or sentences). Be prepared to share out your summaries.

12 Closer: Tracking Student Progress
Self-assess your progress: How well can you use the READ strategy? Rate yourself on writing a GIST summary of the reading. Use the 1 to 4 scale as specified by the “Pirate Ship” rubric.

13 Collecting Work Please make sure your name is on the article and the handout. I will be collecting both.

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