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Change management Marks & Spencer Content Scenario Change management theory Our framework Diagnosis Planning and implementing Evaluation Critique.

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Presentation on theme: "Change management Marks & Spencer Content Scenario Change management theory Our framework Diagnosis Planning and implementing Evaluation Critique."— Presentation transcript:

1 Change management Marks & Spencer Content Scenario Change management theory Our framework Diagnosis Planning and implementing Evaluation Critique

2 Scenario Vision The standard against which all others are measured Mission Making aspirational quality accessible to all Values Quality, Value, service, innovation and trust

3 Chronology July 2001 Luc Vandevelde July 2002 Roger Holmes June 2004 Stuart Rose

4 Problems to be addressed Business too complicated Competition Image Downsizing Management systems

5 Change management theory What is change management? Two school of thought: Recipe driven Vague focus Situation specific

6 Lewins planned change model Unfreezing Movement Refreezing

7 Action research model Problem identification Consultation with behavioural Science expert Data gathering & Preliminary diagnosis Feedback to key client Joint diagnosis of problem Joint action planning Action Data gathering After action

8 Positive model Initiate the inquiry Inquire into best practice Discover themes Envision a Preferred future Design & deliver ways to create the future

9 Proposed framework Context of Change Facilitation of Change Process Diagnosis Intervention Evaluation

10 Context of change Magnitude of change Degree of organization Domestic vs. International (Cummings & Worley, 2005)

11 Diagnosis What is it? Who with? How is it done?

12 Interventions Discrepancy Theory Procedural Relationship Experimental Perspective Dilemma Structural Cultural (Blake & Mouton, 1964)

13 Our chosen intervention Transformational change Environmental/internal Systematic & revolutionary New paradigm Driven from top down Continuous learning and change

14 Transformational change Culture change Self design Organizational learning and knowledge management

15 Culture change Schein (1990) model of culture

16 Self designing organizations Laying the foundation Designing Implementing and assessing

17 Organizational learning and knowledge management Organization learning Enhance capability to acquire and develop new knowledge Knowledge management – Generate, organize and distribute Sense making – Understanding change

18 Evaluation During and after implementation Implementation feedback Evaluation feedback Problems

19 Critique Situational differences Rational change Evidence for improvement Biases Long term

20 References dex.shtml dex.shtml Cummings, T.G. & Worley, C.G. (2005). Organization Development and Change (8 th ed). Ohio: South-Western. Millward L. (2005-in press), Understanding Occupational and Organizational Psychology. London: Sage Publications Ltd.

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