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Cutting Pumpkins Donuts Work Too! 12/9/2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Cutting Pumpkins Donuts Work Too! 12/9/2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cutting Pumpkins Donuts Work Too! 12/9/2018

2 Introduction What does the inside of a Pumpkin look like?
Do you know how a light switch works? If you could see inside would you have a better understanding of how a pumkin grows, or a light switch works? 12/9/2018

3 Identify the principle views
You may want to label top and front so they don’t disorient the class 12/9/2018

4 The Knife is the Cutting Plane
CPL Show where the Cutting Plane will be by drawing a CPL (Cutting Plane Line) 12/9/2018

5 Cutting plane slices As the knife slices through it leaves saw marks on the surfaces that it touches Until it is completely through 12/9/2018

6 Full Frontal Section Discard the front half & look perpendicular to the cut What you see is, A full frontal section Look close and you will see the knife cutting marks 12/9/2018

7 Sketches might look like this

8 HAPPY HALLOWEEN! 12/9/2018

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