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Ashtead Neighbourhood Forum 2nd June

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Presentation on theme: "Ashtead Neighbourhood Forum 2nd June"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ashtead Neighbourhood Forum 2nd June
Agenda Introduction Apologies Minutes of Last Meeting Matters Arising Messages of Congratulation Referendum Result What Next MVDC Local Plan Government White Paper AoB Review of planning decisions in six months time

2 Ashtead Neighbourhood Forum 2nd June
Referendum Result Question: Do you want Mole Valley District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Ashtead to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area? Votes recorded: Yes  4308,  No 393,  92% in favour. Turnout: 42.6% vs 45% who voted for the SCC elections

3 Ashtead Neighbourhood Forum 2nd June
Referendum Result MVDC Executive Meeting on 23rd May agreed that our plan should be “made”, i.e. brought into effect for all future applications. Our Plan Will be effective until 2026 Subject to changes brought about by the new Local Plan Subject to changes in government policy

4 Ashtead Neighbourhood Forum 2nd June
MVDC Local Plan Revision Spatial Strategy Options and evidence to be published this summer Papers to be reviewed by Executive Committee on 27th June Consultation on strategy planned for July This will be followed by a call for proposed sites Revised Local Plan planned for mid-2018 Will need to review our plan against this

5 Ashtead Neighbourhood Forum 2nd June
Government White Paper Consultation published Feb 2017 thro’ April Broadening the definition of affordable housing to expand the range of low cost housing opportunities. Increasing the density of development around commuter hubs to make more efficient use of land in suitable locations. Supporting sustainable new settlements, development on brownfield land and small sites and delivery of housing agreed in Local Plans. Supporting delivery of starter homes.

6 Ashtead Neighbourhood Forum 2nd June
Government White Paper Some Probable Outcomes Pressure on councils to create and maintain a Local Plan Additional powers to enforce prompt development Encourage higher density development near transport hubs Encourage the creation of new settlements Expect councils to require at least 10% of affordable homes on any development of over 10 dwellings

7 Ashtead Neighbourhood Forum 2nd June
Further Meetings Do we want to carry on? If so, possible subjects could include Review and respond to significant steps in Local Plan, e.g. Spatial Strategy mid-July Review of planning decisions post-referendum Early in 2018

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