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Team Etiquette Training.

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Presentation on theme: "Team Etiquette Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Etiquette Training

2 Create the right climate for growth new Distributors.
Objective Create the right climate for growth new Distributors.

3 Dress like you are going to a job interview, dress business Casual.
Dress professionally Dress like you are going to a job interview, dress business Casual.

4 Be on time Arrive 15 minutes before the appointment. If you are a leader at least 45 minutes earlier.

5 Make sure your cell phone is off and ask your guest to do the same.
Turn off phones Make sure your cell phone is off and ask your guest to do the same.

6 Be up-beat positive & friendly and leave your problems at home
Be excited Be up-beat positive & friendly and leave your problems at home

7 Introduce your guest to other Distributors in the meeting.
Introduce guest Introduce your guest to other Distributors in the meeting.

8 Don’t explain before Let the Expert do the presentation and edify the presenter before the presentation start.

9 Be with your guest Your guest will feel supported if you are besides them during the presentation.

10 Stay in the room Don't leave the room, you could distract the presenter. Go to the bathroom before the presentation starts and ask your guest to do the same.

11 Play team Participate in the event, raise your hand and clap if the presenter ask to do it. Affirm with your head when the presenter is talking. Act as this is your first time at the meeting. Assign someone to welcome late arriving guest. T.E.A.M.: Together Everyone Achieves More.

12 Don’t interrupt Don't ask questions to the presenter and don't try to upstage the presenter.

13 Sort after presentation
Ask the question “Do you see opportunity?” and sort one, two or three: Red, Green or Brown apples.

14 Only positive guest Take only positive guest up to the presenter, don't take a negative person to try to convince them.

15 No Politics Avoid the gossip in your team, never talk about negative issues about the people and the company. Positive should go Down, Negative should go Up.

16 No Cross-line recruiting
If you didn't invite a guest don't try to enroll them in your Downline.

17 Pay your dues Support your business by paying your weekly and/or monthly meeting costs.

18 Pay your dues Support your business by paying your weekly and/or monthly meeting costs.

19 Team Etiquette Training

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