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MUREE Monitoring Visit 1 December 2013

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1 MUREE Monitoring Visit 1 December 2013
Modernising Undergraduate Renewable Energy Education: EU Experience for Jordan MUREE Monitoring Visit 1 December 2013 Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

2 Wider Objective The wider objective of MUREE is to develop, integrate, accredit and evaluate a quality bachelor degree programme in Renewable Energy in Jordan with an appropriate laboratory component jointly taught by universities in Jordan, in accordance with the Bologna process. Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

3 Specific Objectives 1. Develop, integrate, accredit and evaluate a bachelor degree program with an appropriate laboratory component in renewable energy jointly taught by universities in Jordan and brought into line with the Bologna requirements. 2. Engage faculty in the development of interactive instruction techniques for lectures and laboratory courses and sharing experiences with EU partner universities. 3. Develop and implement course content using VLE delivery and remote labs. 4. Extend services and training in collaboration with the local and regional industry and community. 5. Improve the human capacity of Jordanian universities by providing training and upgrading opportunities in the EU for aspiring young and women academic members of staff. Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

4 Partners and Contact Persons
Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Abdallah Al-Zoubi The University of Jordan, Ahmad Al-Salaymeh Jordan University of Science and Technology, Suhil Kiwan Mutah University, Ayman Maaitah Hashemite University, Awni Tradat Technical University of Berlin, Jens Palacios Sapienza University of Rome, Katiuscia Cipri University of Cyprus, George Georghiou Graz University of Technology, Annette Mütze IGFOTON Group, Rafael Jiménez Castañeda Naim Energy Technologies, Said Al-Hallaj Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

5 Workpackages and Leaders
1. Scoping and Needs Analysis, JUST 2. Development of Study Plan and Curricula, Sapienza 3. Development of Online Content and Competencies, HU 4. Deployment of Remote Labs, UNED 5. Capacity Building, UCY 6. Technology Commercialization, PSUT 7. Dissemination and Sustainability, UoJ 8. Monitoring and Evaluation, TU-Berlin 9. Management, PSUT Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

6 1.1 Methodology Implementation of RE Education in JO
Deliverables 1.1 Methodology Implementation of RE Education in JO 1.2 Report on Current Situation and Need of RE 1.3 Promotion of Bologna Process in Jordan 1.4 Seminar in Jordan on Bologna Process 15/04/2013 15/04/2013 15/07/2013 15/07/2013 Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

7 2.1 Workshop on Curricula Updating
Deliverables 2.1 Workshop on Curricula Updating 2.2 Selection of Pilot Courses and Labs 2.3 Detailed Design of Pilot Courses 2.4 Accreditation of New Curricula 2.5 New Curricula for RE Courses 2.6 Labs and Educational Station on RE 2.7 Monitoring and Feedback Methodology and Reports 15/06/2013 15/06/2013 15/08/2013 15/04/2014 15/10/2014 15/12/2014 15/12/2014 Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

8 3.1 Development of Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
Deliverables 3.1 Development of Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) 3.2 Adaptation of Courses Content into VLE 3.3 Personalization of VLE 15/01/2014 15/09/2014 15/09/2014 Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

9 4.1 Selection and Design of Remote Labs
Deliverables 4.1 Selection and Design of Remote Labs 4.2 Services Adaptation to Connect Remote Labs to VLE 4.3 Integration of Remote Labs into VLE 15/08/2013 15/01/2014 15/10/2014 Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

10 5.1 Development a Capacity Building Programme
Deliverables 5.1 Development a Capacity Building Programme 5.2 Establishment of an RE Training Centre 5.3 Academic Visits to EU Partners 5.4 Trainees Visits to EU Partners 5.5 Training Workshops in Renewable Energy in Jordan 15/05/2013 15/10/2013 15/02/2014 15/04/2014 15/10/2014 Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

11 6.1 Entrepreneurial Scoping 6.2 Spin-Offs
Deliverables 6.1 Entrepreneurial Scoping 6.2 Spin-Offs 6.3 Commercialization White Paper 15/11/2013 15/04/2014 15/06/2014 Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

12 7.1 Dissemination Committee 7.2 Development of Dissemination Plan
Deliverables 7.1 Dissemination Committee 7.2 Development of Dissemination Plan 7.3 Communication Plan and Promotion Materials 7.4 Project Website 7.5 Events and Networking 7.6 Dissemination Workshops on RE Promotion 7.7 Final Dissemination Conference 14/10/2015 15/12/2012 15/03/2013 15/01/2013 15/09/2015 15/04/2015 15/09/2015 Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

13 8.3 Monitoring and Evaluation Plan 8.4 Mid-Term Evaluation Report
Deliverables 8.1 Quality Committee 8.2 External Evaluation 8.3 Monitoring and Evaluation Plan 8.4 Mid-Term Evaluation Report 8.5 Final Evaluation Report 30/10/2012 15/12/2012 15/02/2013 15/04/2014 14/10/2015 Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

14 9.1 Tempus Project Representatives Meeting 9.2 Kick-off Meeting
Deliverables 9.1 Tempus Project Representatives Meeting 9.2 Kick-off Meeting 9.3 Steering Committee 9.4 Scientific Committee 9.5 Financial and Administrative Management 9.6 Production of Intermediate and Final Reports 30/01/2013 30/10/2012 14/10/2015 14/10/2015 14/10/2015 14/10/2015 Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

15 Previous Events and Activities
DEV9.1 Tempus Project Representatives Meeting 26-27 November 2012 Abdallah Al-Zoubi and Katiuscia Cipri attended the annual Tempus conference. Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

16 Previous Events and Activities
DEV9.2 Consortium Kick-off Meeting Princess Sumaya University for Technology 14-15 November 2012 Minutes Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

17 Previous Events and Activities
DEV3.1 Development of VLE Combined with 4.1 Selection and Design of Remote Labs Madrid, Spain 18-22 February 2013 A team from PSUT and Hashemite University has visited UNED, Spain in order to select, design and install a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and 4 renewable energy remote labs in Jordanian universities. Minutes Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

18 Previous Events and Activities
DEV2.1 Workshop on Curricula Updating Combined with DEV5.1 Development a Capacity Building Programme Graz, Austria 10-13 April 2013 A workshop was hosted by Graz University of Technology, to discuss renewable energy curricula updating and to develop a capacity building programme in renewable energy for Jordanian partner institutions. All project partners participated in the workshop. Minutes Report Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

19 Outcomes The following courses have been identifies and currently are development by the consortium: Photo Voltaic Renewable Energy Systems Energy Conversion Drive and Machines Wind Energy Solar Thermal and 2 eLearning courses are being designed by HU. 2. Equipment for 2 traditional, as well as those for the UoJ training centre identified. 3. Capacity Building Programme Developed. 4. Academic and Technical Visits Arranged. Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

20 Previous Events and Activities
DEV1.3 Promotion of Bologna Process in Jordan Rome and Madrid 17-23 June2013 Senior Management of Jordanian universities visited Sapienza and UNED to have a closer look at implementation of Bologna process in renewable energy education. Minutes 1 Minutes 2 Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

21 Previous Events and Activities
DEV1.3 Seminar in Jordan on Bologna Process Jordan 8-11 July 2013 Seminars on the Bologna Process were presented by Professor Luciano Saso, Deputy Rector for International Mobility, in order to provide information on the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area encouraging Jordanian Universities to harmonize their education system in order to favour exchanges of Students and Scholars. Minutes Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

22 Previous Events and Activities
DEV9.3 Steering Committee Combined with DEV9.4 Scientific Committee Princess Sumaya University for Technology 4-5 November 2013 The committees discussed the progress of the project and ensured that activities are well organised and completed on schedule, in addition to planning ahead for the second year. Miuntes Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

23 Upcoming Events and Tasks in Second Year
DEV6.1 Entrepreneurial Scoping Combined with DEV8.1 Quality Committee Cadiz, Spain 10-14 December 2014 Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

24 Accomplished Tasks Report on Current Situation and Need of RE
Selection of Pilot Courses and Labs Equipment Purchase Process and Quality Monitoring Remote Purchase Underway Capacity Building Programme Developed Entrepreneurial Activities Underway Dissemination Plan Developed 8. Website and Intranet and VLE 9. External Evaluator Selected Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

25 Difficulties Visa and Need for a new type of scientific visa
2. Coordinating timing of visits 3. Busy contact persons, sleeping partners 4. Identifying correct people for certain activities 5. Preparing timesheets, staff conventions and IMR and on time Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

26 Impact is for All Partners to Discuss!
Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

27 Thank You Monitoring Visit, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, 1 December 2013

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