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Open Data Neil Fantom Manager, Data Group

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1 Open Data Neil Fantom Manager, Data Group
2011 Law and Justice Development Week Washington DC

2 We use Open Data every day…

3 We use Open Data every day…

4 Open Data, Open Knowledge, Open Solutions
Share data on what we know and what we do Open Knowledge Work with others to collect, share and analyze data, measure results, increase knowledge Open Solutions Engage in new ways to find solutions to development problems

5 April 20, 2010

6 We went from this Before April 2010, our data was available to 24 million subscribers, in a format that only a true data junky could love!

7 To this -

8 Free, and available in five languages

9 Legally open You are free to use our data for commercial and non-commercial purposes at no cost…

10 Legally Open Terms of Use for data based on a Creative Commons model (with attribution) Encourages use and re-use, including for commercial purposes Incorporates a list of data excluded from re-use Requires attribution to World Bank and primary source But no endorsement, no association, no warranties, no liabilities

11 Technically open

12 Technically open - What does it mean to be Open? When it comes to our data - it's both legally and technically Open. - Our access to information policy, much like a government's freedom of information legislation, puts in place the policies that make much of the Bank's information "default open" - so you explicitly have to close it. On top of that, we license our data in a way that encourages free use and reuse for commercial and non-commercial purposes, as long as we're credited as a source. technically open bit Data on development and Bank operations centrally available in searchable, reusable electronic formats on socially open… at the Bank, we're open about what we know and open about what we do

13 Open about what we know

14 Development indicators

15 Data from operations - Macroeconomic indicators on a range of data from education, energy and environment to poverty, gender and health. Browseable by indicator, country or topic

16 Data from surveys

17 Open about our research and analysis
We share the same tools we use internally with an outside audience -

18 Open about what we do

19 Mapping for Results - Recently launched financial data portal: data on loans, grants, trust funds. Mapping for results platform adds a further dimension by showing where we’re working along side sub-national measures etc.

20 Finances

21 Publishing using open standards
- Open about what we do: important for transparency, improving coordination – Rahyab talking about projects and IATI, Alex more about IEG performance ratings

22 Doing well (but more to do)

23 Aid transparency and effectiveness

24 Open to new engagement

25 Partnerships

26 Innovation

27 The Winners… Engagement: users are not our clients; apps for development contest, finding our data used in new locations by others (E.g. climate) – new means for making our data more accessible (datafinder apps) – new ways for others to interact with us and our data (again, prasanna talking more about this)

28 Data collection and feedback
Engagement: users are not our clients; apps for development contest, finding our data used in new locations by others (E.g. climate) – new means for making our data more accessible (datafinder apps) – new ways for others to interact with us and our data (again, prasanna talking more about this)

29 Supporting others to be open

30 Clients are doing Open Data

31 Creating new ecosystems around data
Kenya Moldova

32 But let’s not forget this…

33 A few of the things we’ve learnt

34 Free data is not free Revenues Investment

35 But it’s good for the data business

36 Others can do it better

37 There’s more Open Data out there
Make slide externally focussed: Call to action: openness in many different forms, tools, approaches, examples there, talk to us about any of them..

38 The last thought

39 A public good for the public good
- Here's an idea: Development can't be the sole responsibility of a single institution, a professional sector or country government - it's a complex issue that can only be tackled by a number of different actors. What do they all need? The data, the information, the knowledge and the tools to make decisions and take action.

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