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Respiratory Diseases.

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1 Respiratory Diseases

2 Atelectasis Description: Lack of air in the lungs due to collapse of alveoli in the lung S/S : Dyspnea, SOB Causes : Mucous plugs in the bronchial tree in pts. With cystic fibrosis and in heavy smokers, Pneumonia Treatment: Chest percussion, postural drainage, frequent coughing, and deep breathing exercises, or intermittent positive pressure breathing.

3 Atelectasis

4 Atelectasis

5 Pleurisy Description: Inflammation of the visceral and parietal pleura it is a complication of pneumonia, TB, chest injury, and other factors. S/S: Sharp stabbing pain is experience on inspiration due to irritation of the pleural nerve endings as the lungs move, rubbing against the inner chest wall, dyspnea. Causes: Begins suddenly, complication of pneumonia, TB, chest injury Treatment: Symptomatic treatment, with bed rest and medications to reduce the inflammation and relieve pain

6 Pleural Effusion Description: Presence of excess fluid in the pleural space. S/S: Depress lung tissue and reduces the lungs ability to exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide and hypoxia results in lack of oxygen. Causes: Over productive or inadequate reabsorption of pleural fluids. Chronic disease – hear failure, liver disease, TB, malignancy, Lupus, RA. Treatment: Oxygen is administered, drainage of material by thoracentesis and chest tubes. Antibiotics.

7 Pneumothorax Description: Air or gas accumulates between parietal and visceral pleura, causing collapse of lung tissue. S/S: sudden, sharp pain made worse by breathing or coughing, unequal chest wall movement. Causes: A penetrating chest wound by a knife or gunshot or can be spontaneous Treatment: Bed rest, needle aspiration of the air mass or trochar and suction

8 Pleurisy/ Pneumothorax

9 Pneumothorax

10 Pulmonary Edema Description: Accumulation of fluid escaping from blood vessels into the lungs. S/S: Dyspnea, orthopnea, rapid pulse and respirations Causes: Left ventricular heart failure or mitral valve prolapse. Treatment: Diuretics, nitroglycerin, high concentrations of oxygen

11 Pulmonary Edema

12 Pulmonary Embolism Description: Obstruction of the pulmonary artery, blood clot S/S: Dyspnea, chest pain, rapid heart rate, productive cough Causes: Long-term immobility Treatment: Medication, oxygen therapy, aggressive antibiotic therapy, anticoagulant

13 Pulmonary Embolism

14 Pulmonary Embolus

15 Lung perfusion Scan

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