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1 Inow

2 Getting to Inow Go to the SCM Web page a:
On the top red bar, click on Information Now

3 Login to Inow Once you click on to the Information Now link, you will see this page. You as a parent have a DIFFERENT login from your student. When you set up your account, it will tell you your password is expired and give you a screen similar to this. The “Old Password” is Inow1234

4 Inow Homepage This is the home page. It will give you school wide information. Student’s Name here

5 Inow menu This is where you go to look at your student’s information. Click on attendance to make sure notes are taken to the office Click on grades

6 Inow Grade Homepage This is where you go to look at your student’s overall class grades. Click on the A to see specific grades.

7 Inow Grade Activities This is where you go to look at your student’s specific assignments and grade for each. The blue words are links to assignments. Not all teachers do this.

8 Inow Grade Abbreviations
A paper that has been graded will have a number grade here. Math and Science do a points system. Every grade will not be out of 100! Notice the letter grade beside the assignment if you want to know the equivalent of the grade If an assignment has been added but has not been graded yet, there will not be anything listed or it will look like this /15

9 Inow Grade Abbreviations
EX* - This means the assignment was excused and WILL NOT count in your students grade, even though it is showing it as a ZERO ABI – This means your student was absent. It will count in the grade as a ZERO until it is turned in. MI – This means your student was in class but for whatever reason did not turn the assignment in. Late points will be deducted. It will count in the grade as a ZERO until it is turned in.

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