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Objective 3.01: Apply the Elements of Design

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Presentation on theme: "Objective 3.01: Apply the Elements of Design"— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective 3.01: Apply the Elements of Design

2 Elements of Design Line Form Space Mass Texture Color

3 Most basic element of design. Line establishes direction.

4 Horizontal Lines Communicates feelings of relaxation, calmness, and restfulness. Think of: Sunsets - end of a day or time of rest. Waves in the ocean which are relaxing. You sleep in a HORIZONTAL position. Found in fireplace mantels, bookcases, long sofas, …..

5 Horizontal Line Restful

6 Horizontal Line

7 Horizontal Line

8 Vertical Lines Cause your eye to move up and down
Suggests height, strength,dignity, and stability Found in columns, grandfather clocks, tall mirrors, armoires…..

9 Vertical Line Ready to Move

10 Vertical Line

11 Vertical Line

12 Vertical Line

13 Diagonal Lines Communicate different levels of activity depending on the degree of the angle and total number of angles. Think of a lightning bolt. Found in roof lines, cathedral ceilings, staircases, lampshades, fabrics, paintings….

14 Diagonal Line Exciting

15 Diagonal Line

16 Diagonal Lines

17 Diagonal Lines

18 Diagonal Line

19 Curved Lines Curved lines communicate organization, eternity, uniformity, softness and openness. Think of circles, oval, or freeform shapes. Found in sinks, tubs, dishes, mirrors, pottery….

20 Curved Line Calming

21 Curves

22 Curved Lines

23 Curved Line

24 Curved Line

25 Curved Line

26 Curved Line

27 Curved Line


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