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Principles of Drug Administration Ch. 3

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Presentation on theme: "Principles of Drug Administration Ch. 3"— Presentation transcript:

1 Principles of Drug Administration Ch. 3
Professor Joson MSN CNS

2 Responsibilities of the Nurse
What drug is ordered? Name (Generic & Trade) Intended or proposed use Effects on the body Contraindications Special considerations Side Effects Knowledge & Understanding Why? How? What?

3 5 Rights of Drug Administration 3 Checks
Right Patient Right Medication Right Dose Right Route Right Time of delivery Check the drug to the MAR Check the drug in preparation Check the drug before administering it to the pt.

4 Additions to the 5 Rights of Administration
Right to refuse medication Right to receive drug education Right prepration Right Documentation


6 Systems of Measurement
Metric Apothecary Household

7 Routes of Adminstration
Topical Routes Parenteral Routes Transdermal Opthalmic Otic Nasal Drops Vaginal Rectal Suppositories Intradermal Subcutaneous Intramuscular Intravenous

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