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Italian EQA study for HCV RNA, HIV RNA and HBV DNA G. M. Bisso, K

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1 Italian EQA study for HCV RNA, HIV RNA and HBV DNA G. M. Bisso, K
Italian EQA study for HCV RNA, HIV RNA and HBV DNA G.M. Bisso, K.Cristiano,J. Saldanha, C. Mele, G. Pisani,M. Wirz and G. Gentili Giulio Pisani Biologicals Unit Dept. of Infectious, Parasitic and Immune-mediated Diseases Istituto Superiore di Sanità Rome, Italy

2 AIM OF THE EQA STUDY Assessing the proficiency of blood products manufacturer and blood centres in detecting by NAT the possible contamination of plasma with HCV, HIV and HBV

3 EQAs PARTICIPANTS 46 laboratories in the HCV EQA/5 study
35 laboratories in the HIV EQA/1 study 16 laboratories in the HBV EQA/1 study

4 EQAs PARTICIPANTS 46 laboratories 9 blood product manufacturers
2 from Germany 2 from Italy 1 from Argentina 1 from Austria 1 from Australia 1 from Spain 1 from Switzerland 1 diagnostic kits manufacturer from U.S.A. 35 blood centres 28 from Italy 4 from Canada 3 from UK 1 OMCL

5 PANEL COMPOSITION HCV EQA/5 10 coded samples
8 positive samples, containing genotypes 1-6 with a nominal concentration of 100 IU/mL genotype 4 and genotype 5 were present in duplicate 2 negative replicates

6 PANEL COMPOSITION HIV EQA/1 6 coded samples
2 replicates with a nominal concentration of 1,000 IU/mL 2 replicates with a nominal concentration of IU/mL 2 negative replicates

7 PANEL COMPOSITION HBV EQA/1 6 coded samples
2 replicates with a nominal concentration of 1,000 IU/mL 2 replicates with a nominal concentration of IU/mL 2 negative replicates

Before distribution, each EQA panel was tested in our lab Results as expected Samples shipped on dry ice Up to two panels were sent to each lab

9 NAT METHODS Methods HCV EQA/5 HIV EQA/1 HBV EQA/1 Cobas Ampliscreen 13
HCV Cobas Amplicor v2.0 7 HCV Amplicor v2.0 2 Procleix HIV-1/HCV Assay 16 Procleix Ultrio Assay 1 3 Other kits In-house 4 TOTAL 46 35

10 RESULTS HCV EQA/5 Genotype (100 IU/mL) Sample code Positive/tested (%)
6 45/45 (100) 2 5 3 10 4 4 and 9 88/90 (97.8) 2 and 7 90/90 44/45 negative 3 and 8 (0)

11 RESULTS HIV EQA/1 IU/mL Sample code Positive/tested (%) 1000 2 and 4
70/70 (100) 100 1 and 6 63/70 (90) Negative 3 and 5 0/70 (0)

12 RESULTS HBV EQA/1 IU/mL Sample code Positive/tested (%) 1000 3 and 6
32/32 (100) 100 1 and 4 Negative 2 and 5 0/32 (0)

13 CONCLUSIONS HCV EQA/5 Improved proficiency of participants to detected all 6 genotypes at a concentration of 100 IU/mL: 95.6% of EQA/5 participants vs 83.8% of EQA/4 participants HIV EQA/1 A concentration of 200 IU/mL would be advisable as the minimal sensitivity HBV EQA/1 A concentration lower than 100 IU/mL could represent the appropriate minimal requirement

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