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By: aidan gresham, isabel lomeli, sukhwinder kaur, and kyler pike

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Presentation on theme: "By: aidan gresham, isabel lomeli, sukhwinder kaur, and kyler pike"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: aidan gresham, isabel lomeli, sukhwinder kaur, and kyler pike
Art section 1 super quiz By: aidan gresham, isabel lomeli, sukhwinder kaur, and kyler pike

2 Question 1 Which type of form expresses movement or rhythm?
Answer: Organic 

3 Question 2 WHAT QUALIty refers to the brightness or purity of a color?
Answer: Intensity

4 Question 3 Which type of analysis focuses on what is seen upon examining the work of art itself? Answer: Formal

5 Question 4  What refers to how things feel or how we think they would feel if touched? Answer: Texture

6 Question 5 What is a two dimensional figure created on?
Answer: Flat plane

7 Question 6 In a quilt design, one or more                 are repeated to create an overall pattern. Answer: Motifs

8 Question 7 What process is when the design is incised through a layer of wax or varnish applied to the surface of a metal plate? Answer: Etching

9 Answer: Freestanding and Relief
Question 8 What are the two types of sculpture? Answer: Freestanding and Relief

10 Answer: Two-Dimensional, Three-Dimensional
Question 9 Mixed media can be either               or              . Answer: Two-Dimensional, Three-Dimensional

11 Answer: Craft, Folk Art, Popular
Question 10            ,          , and          art are all debated terms applied to a variety of art forms across cultures. Answer: Craft, Folk Art, Popular

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