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Ed ICT Literacy Standards

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1 Ed 306.42 ICT Literacy Standards
January-February 2006 Ed ICT Literacy Standards Cathy Higgins Office of Educational Technology New Hampshire Department of Education New Hampshire Department of Education

2 NH Department of Education
January-February 2006 Session Purpose Provide a series of periodic work sessions Create a consensus of thought and action around the new ICT Literacy Standards Discuss and explore ways to adapt your current school program to the new standards. Discuss ideas for creating common ICT assessment rubrics will also be discussed Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education New Hampshire Department of Education

3 NH Department of Education
January-February 2006 Agenda Identify attendees and expectations Describe significance of ICT Review Q & A provided in Technical Advisory #2 (just released ) Understand how your school or district status currently aligns to the new standards Begin ongoing sharing of resources via future sessions, periodic s, and online Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education New Hampshire Department of Education

4 Participants – Which one are you?
January-February 2006 Participants – Which one are you? Tech Coordinators Library media specialists Tech integration teachers Computer lab teachers Curriculum coordinators Classroom teachers School administrators Guidance Counselors Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education New Hampshire Department of Education

5 What are your needs and expectations from this session?
Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

6 What’s an ICT Literacy Program?
January-February 2006 What’s an ICT Literacy Program? The ideal ICT Literacy Program weaves technology experiences into all content areas and all grade levels and supports students in building digital portfolios of their work. Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education New Hampshire Department of Education

7 Standards? Which standards?
January-February 2006 Standards? Which standards? Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education New Hampshire Department of Education

8 NH School Minimum Standards
January-February 2006 NH School Minimum Standards School Minimum Standards updated over past 2 years New standards took effect 7/1/05 Include new ICT Literacy Standards Formerly called Computer Literacy Ed Information and Communication Technologies Program Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education New Hampshire Department of Education

9 NH Department of Education
Why ICT? See SITES Module 2 Report (ISTE Publication) p : “In the knowledge economy and information society, citizens need to be able to search for, analyze, and manage huge amounts of information; they also must be able to use that information to solve complex problems and create new knowledge and cultural products.” Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

10 NH Department of Education
Why ICT? See SITES Module 2 Report (ISTE Publication) p : “Instead of pedagogy that focuses mainly on transfer of defined knowledge and skills, new approaches are required that emphasize a more active involvement of students.” Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

11 NH Department of Education
Why ICT? See SITES Module 2 Report (ISTE Publication) p : “Changing content and goals implies other ways of assessing students. Instead of measuring the extent to which students are able to reproduce knowledge, assessment must measure students’ ability to apply knowledge in realistic settings…. Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

12 NH Department of Education
Why ICT? See SITES Module 2 Report (ISTE Publication) p : “Closed formats of assessment need to be changed to more open formats, such as portfolio and performance assessment.” Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

13 NH Department of Education
Why ICT? See Partnership for 21st Century Skills website: “Every child in American needs 21st century knowledge and skills to succeed as effective citizens, workers and leaders in the 21st century.” Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

14 NH Department of Education
Why ICT? See Partnership for 21st Century Skills: “There is a profound gap between the knowledge and skills most students learn in school and the knowledge and skills they need in typical 21st century communities and workplaces.” Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

15 NH Department of Education
Why ICT? See Partnership for 21st Century Skills: “To successfully face rigorous higher education coursework, career challenges and a globally competitive workforce, U.S. schools must align classroom environments with real world environments by infusing 21st century skills.” Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

16 Frequently Asked Questions
Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

17 NH Department of Education
Portfolios K – 8 Portfolio High School Portfolio Cumulative from K through 8th grade Reflects ICT in core contents Assess portfolio contents in 8th grade to determine competency Use assessment rubrics (locally developed) Build from work in H.S. content courses May use to show competency for ½ credit Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

18 NH Department of Education
Is a digital portfolio required of both middle school and high school students? Yes Districts encouraged to design ½ credit H.S. courses so that students create portfolios as a culminating experience in the course. Proficiency in high school must be measured against a high school level assessment rubric, not a middle school level rubric. Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

19 Do middle school students have to create digital portfolios?
Yes, the district must provide opportunities for 8th grade students to demonstrate competency by submitting a digital portfolio which is then assessed using locally developed rubrics. Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

20 NH Department of Education
Is the middle school portfolio built in the 8th grade year or is it cumulative? Ideally, it is a cumulative portfolio representing the development of a student’s competencies over their experiences in grades K - 8. Start with what you have. Over time, portfolios will more fully represent a student’s work through all elementary grades. Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

21 NH Department of Education
Does this end-of-8th grade portfolio qualify for the required H.S. ½ credit? No, it does not, but it does qualify as the prerequisite for the higher level course that shall be taken in high school to meet the ½ credit requirement. Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

22 More Portfolio Questions
Who reviews the portfolio and determines whether or not students are competent? How do we define what is required in the portfolio? Are there any guidelines for portfolio creation? Do we need to build a rubric? Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

23 NH Department of Education
Your district’s teachers review the portfolios, using a locally developed assessment rubric, in order to determine competency at the end of 8th grade. Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

24 NH Department of Education
Is it stored just in district? How does it move from place to place if it needs to do that (i.e., building to building)? Storage locations are determined by the district. The Department recommends that districts review their current storage capacities and develop long term plans as needed. Options: Storing each student’s files on individual CDs Individual student folders on the school server Using a web-based storage provider More options? Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

25 NH Department of Education
Do the new standards impact this year’s classes for the end of the year? Schools should assist current 8th graders to produce a digital portfolio this year, if at all possible. It is acceptable to be moving toward a goal that meets this standard. Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

26 NH Department of Education
If they do not complete the portfolio by the end of 8th grade, how can they take their more advanced class to fulfill their ½ credit? They can’t take a more advanced class until they successfully demonstrate competency through the portfolio approach. Students could take a 9th grade “Intro Course” or could develop a basic portfolio in 9th grade, which would then qualify them for an advanced ICT high school course.   Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

27 NH Department of Education
Are students in the current freshman class (2009) required to create a digital portfolio? Since the class of 2009 and 2010 may not have a portfolio, should we ask for a waiver for these students? Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

28 NH Department of Education
Since the portfolio is an intended approach to instruction for all of grades K – 12, current freshmen (2009) will be expected to meet the new requirements to develop portfolios in high school as part of their high school instruction. Regardless of whether or not they have a completed 8th grade portfolio, they will still need to complete a high school “½ credit course or demonstrate proficiency.” Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

29 NH Department of Education
We have a 7th grade course called "Understanding Computers.” Upon completion, we award students ½ unit of high school credit. Is there a minimum of hours that must be attained by students to receive their mandatory computer credit for this course? Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

30 NH Department of Education
Seventh grade courses cannot be used to satisfy the high school credit requirement. The standards specify that students are to demonstrate competency at the end of 8th grade through the use of digital portfolios, followed by taking a high school course to earn ½ credit in high school. This type of middle school course can be used to help students develop end of 8th grade portfolios. Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

31 NH Department of Education
Can there still be a test out option for all middle school students in a district? No, the high school should not award ½ credit for a middle school course. Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

32 There is one exception to this practice.
Under Ed (e), it is possible for a local school board to have a policy for granting high school credit for middle school work based on demonstration of competency. Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

33 There is one exception to this practice….
Must ensure “the course demonstrates content requirements consistent with related high school course(s) and the student achieves satisfactory standards of performance.” If a student requests ½ credit of ICT literacy for middle school work, the high school must review that student’s portfolio to ensure it is actually high school / advanced level work. Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

34 NH Department of Education
Does this portfolio become part of the student’s record or does the student retain it? Yes, the portfolio is a student record. However, FERPA allows parents or a student to have copies of any and all records in the student’s file maintained by the school/district. Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

35 NH Department of Education
We have a 9th grade class called “Intro to Computers.” Is this class not needed? Is a portfolio, created within the context of regular core content classes and used to assess their technical skills, to be used instead of the Intro to Computers class? Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

36 NH Department of Education
The district can decide whether to keep the course or simply move to a portfolio only approach. If course is still offered, address topics listed in Ed (c) at a high school level. Consider using this course also as a forum for students to develop portfolios in high school, which are further refined during their entire high school experience and then used for college and job application purposes. Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

37 Which high school courses are districts required to offer?
Districts determine how to configure ICT courses, but the four topic areas listed in Ed (c) must be provided. High schools should ensure that students have opportunities to gather digital artifacts and develop portfolios. Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

38 NH Department of Education
At least offer a basic ICT course which addresses the four areas.  Above that, courses offered as "advanced" could be tied to a variety of disciplines (i.e., vocational courses or computer science courses for networking or programming, business courses using office productivity software, or graphics courses using Freehand and Flash). Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

39 NH Department of Education
One course or a combination of courses can provide flexibility for students to follow a particular topic most suited to their career aspirations. For example, students who intend to follow a career in graphic arts may find that course work that emphasizes using a variety of multimedia software and equipment provides the most relevant experience. Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

40 NH Department of Education
How will districts be monitored to ensure they are following the ICT requirements? The Office of School Approval has a process for reviewing and approving schools on a five-year cycle. This process includes review of the extent to which schools meet each of the School Approval Standards. Additional monitoring can occur during technology plan reviews, as well as through various Department surveys and reports. Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

41 NH Department of Education
District Status Refer to the questionnaire. What is your current school or district status in relation to the standards? What do you need to work on? Assessment rubrics? Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

42 NH Department of Education
More Resources See questionnaire, page 3 with links Essential Schools has a great set of information on digital portfolios: Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

43 Complete the questionnaire
Your responses will help: contribute to statewide info Ensure that you receive updates about new information and resources Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

44 Thank You for Joining Us!
Jan/Feb 2006 NH Department of Education

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