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Vegetable Crops Continuing Conference 2005

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Presentation on theme: "Vegetable Crops Continuing Conference 2005"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vegetable Crops Continuing Conference 2005
ANR Issues and Updates Richard B. Standiford Associate Vice President Vegetable Crops Continuing Conference 2005 December 1, 2005, Davis

2 Overview Strengths of ANR Budget Staffing Cross County Assignments
New Advisor Positions Workgroups

3 Strengths of ANR Best public research university scientists in world
Most outstanding network of local-based advisors Involved clientele History of interaction with local CE Generous support Teamwork – campus-county continuum Diversity Ecosystems Commodities People

4 Trends in ANR Budget 1992=215M, 1999=248M, 2004=336M

5 Trends in UCCE Academics


7 Trends in County Support

8 County Support per Advisor

9 County Support per Advisor
Historical specialist Support = $40,000/FTE Current specialist Support = $19,000/FTE

10 County FTE by Program Area

11 Trends in Advisor Programs
More cross-county More commodity assignments More reliance on extramural grants More difficult to maintain campus ties Demographics – large number of retirements Recruit and retain the best! Competitive salaries, facilities

12 Cross-County Assignments
Total Number of Counties 50 Counties with Cross-county assignments 39 (78%) Total number of advisors 232 Advisors with Cross-county assignments 106 (46%)

13 County Size 1-3 20 45 29 (64%) 4-7 21 101 55 (54%) 8-12 9 90 22 (24%)
County size # counties # advisors advisors w/ cross-county 1-3 20 45 29 (64%) 4-7 21 101 55 (54%) 8-12 9 90 22 (24%)

14 Cross-County Assignments by General Program Area
Total Advisors Cross-county Percent advisors 59 10 17% 123 63 51% 48 37 78% 47(2) 20 43% Human Resources Agricultural Resources Natural Resources County Directors

15 Future Position Requests
Statewide planning Build Coalitions Program Council Rating Open, Transparent Ties in with Broad Program Need

16 Principles of ANR resource allocation
(1) Merit - i.e., assessment of need and potential impact of proposed programs; (2) Statewide perspective - i.e., local, regional or broader needs as assessed and addressed from a statewide perspective; (3) Open and participatory process - having input solicited and considered from Division stakeholders; and (4) Transparency - with both the process and the decisions known to Division stakeholders.

17 Criteria for Considering and Rating Positions
1)  Fills critical programmatic or administrative gap that is an urgent need to address immediately, 2)  Consistent with current high priority issues/program areas, 3)  Likelihood of making a significant impact, 4)  Builds on strengths of ANR 5)  Strengthens research-extension continuum, 6)  Demonstrates stakeholder input, and 7)  Availability of support (county, industry, agency) for the position.

18 2005-06 CE Advisor Positions North Coast and Mtn. Central Valley
South Nat. Res. and CD – Inyo/Mono Dairy - Tulare Strawberry/Veg Crops – SLO and Santa Bar. 4-H Youth Dev. – Lake and Mendocino Area Air Quality - Kings, Tulare, Fresno, Madera Nutr., Family, Cons. Sci. and CD – Contra Costa 4-H Youth Dev. - Yolo Nutr., Family, Cons. Sci. – Santa Clara Nutr., Family, Cons. Sci. - Fresno Veg Crops and DREC Dir. - Imperial Veg Crops – San Joaquin

19 ANR Advisor Positions 2006-07
52 positions under consideration Input by campuses to Regional Directors 6 to 10 per region provided to Program Council as part of budget call process

20 General Summary of Proposed Advisors Positions – 2006-07
Region Ag Policy & Pest Mgt. Ag Productivity Human Resources Natural Resources Cent. Coast & South 3 5 Cent. Valley 10 2 7 No. Coast & Mtn. 1 6 Total 17 13 15

21 Workgroups and Coordinating Conferences
83 ratified 22 Human Resource 15 Ag Policy/Pest Management 29 Ag Productivity 17 Natural Resources and Animal Agriculture 1000 ANR members

22 Specialist Status 117 total in state
Cuts of concentrated on support All reversions returned to campuses Executive Council policy to use reversions to rebuild support to critical level Current support per specialist = $19,000 Minimum support thresholds is $30,000 per FTE

23 Questions?




27 Core Issues - ANR Priority Ag Policy Pest Mgt. Agric. Product.
Human Res. Natural Res. High Invasive species Pest mgt. Food safety Sustain. and viability of agriculture Youth development Water quality Medium Biosecurity Organic production Soil quality Waste mgt. Human nutritional status Obesity Air quality Land use Sustain. use of nat. resources Water supply and alloc. Wildland fire

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