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High Performance HVAC Installation

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1 High Performance HVAC Installation
Welcome, thank you for attending

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4 It is possible to implement the Certified High Performance HVAC practices for heat only systems. For the purposes of training and verification we would like participating contractors to submit their first jobs as systems with air conditioning included. This way all required competencies are demonstrated during the training and verification time frame.




8 There is also a “measuring equipment and Protocols” document with equipment and procedural requirements.

9 WHY? There is still a huge opportunity to improve HVAC performance in our building stock… On the average HVAC industry is still turning out a low performance product. There is nothing in our current rebate/incentive structure that drives significant change from the norm. Our current code does not in anyway guarantee a homeowner a energy efficient HVAC system or comfortable home.

10 Does anyone feel like I’m being unfair?


12 Design - Install - Commission
Performance Factors Design - Install - Commission

13 HVAC Performance Factors
Duct Leakage Duct Conduction Room By Room Air Flow System Air Flow Equipment Sizing Refrigerant Charge

14 For HPHI CFM leakage = AC Ton x 400 x .03
Duct Leakage Design Target All systems should be sealed below 25 cfm25 It’s not uncommon for tests of performance systems to be at 9 to 25 cfm25 For HPHI CFM leakage = AC Ton x 400 x .03

15 Duct Conduction Thermal losses through the surfaces of the duct system can make up 30% or more of the load on the equipment 15

16 The estimated conductive duct heat gain at design conditions for a 2,000 square foot house in the central valley with R-6 ducts in the attic is 10,667 BTU/hour (.89 tons of capacity).

17 530-477-0695

18 530-477-0695

19 Low Conduction Install

20 Room by Room Airflow Room air delivery (velocity, direction, volume)

21 530-477-0695

22 Can the system mix the room air?

23 530-477-0695

24 Air Flow Testing 24

25 Delivered System Air Flow
Air Flow Across The Evaporator Coil Assuring Nominal Air Flow Offers a Potential Performance Improvement of 13% (more on gross problem houses)



28 Design Targets Need 2 square feet of return per ton of AC or for every 400 cfm of air flow. Pressure across the filter should not exceed .1 inches of water column. Face Velocity Target 300 fpm

29 530-477-0695

30 Equipment Sizing 30

31 884 CFM .12 Watt/CFM TESP = .119

32 Refrigerant Charge Refrigerant charge in 70% of air conditioners needs to be adjusted.

33 TXV systems Always specify an adjustable TXV, or two for heat pump systems TXV is a thermostatic expansion valve, these valves adjust the flow of refrigerant slightly as temperatures change. Charge is checked using Sub Cool method. Must be within 3 degrees of target provided by manufacturer. Typically between 5 and 10. Charge must also be checked by the Super Heat Method. Super Heat will verify that the TXV is functioning. Super Heat should be set between 5 and 10. (Requires an Adjustable TXV)

34 Commission, Commission, Commission !!!!

35 What Happens When We Get It Right?
Typical HVAC systems are delivering 55% of their capacity to the conditioned space. We can get the delivered efficiency up to 85% or better at design conditions.



38 Whats it going to take to get to this level of performance?
Most Companies will have to make a change in their.. Sales Design Install Commissioning For most of us this represents changing our company culture

39 Training While it should be possible for a company to make the change to this model without outside training there are only a handful of companies that have done it. We can support all of the functions listed on the previous page. There is matching money available to support roughly 5 days of training. This will take a committed effort on the part of the participating contractor.

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