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Ethiopia, April 2016 Workshop on the implementation of the 2008 SNA Phase II The case of Mozambique Ethiopia, April 2016

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1 Ethiopia, April 2016
Workshop on the implementation of the 2008 SNA Phase II The case of Mozambique Ethiopia, April 2016

Introduction Best pratices in NSO Stages of 2008 SNA implementation Challenges

3 INTRODUCTION In Mozambique the statistical act in use for the National Statistical System (SEN) was established in 1996, 7/96 . Before that period NSO was a directorate in the Ministry of Plan and Development. National Statistic System is an organic set composed by institutions whose main competence is to realized official statistical activities. By official statistical activities , we mean the set of methods, technical procedures, data collection, analysis and dissemination of information of national importance which can be stressed by the realization of census and surveys, compilation of national accounts, social-demographic indicators as well as the realization of studies and research.

4 BEST PRACTICES As a way to assure that statistical activities are managed efficiently and in order to have a clear idea of the further developments, the National Statistic System has developed a Strategic Plan. The current strategic plan is for It has national coverage, it is in line with the national poverty reducton strategy, takes in consideration regional agreements including the Millenium Development Goals, NEPAD, SADC and PARIS Declaration on the new ways of improving cooperation efficacy.

5 BEST PRACTICES The National Institute of statistics is conducting a business censos. The main goal is to obtain the exhaustive record of units that operate in Mozambique. Information regarding turnover, wages and salares, other costs, number of emploees are being collected. This Census will help to updated the enterprise file and a master sample for economic surveys will be compiled. National account should be able to update the S11,the non financial corporation institutional sector account.

6 BEST PRACTICES The weights for CPI, Consumer Price Indexesare being updated with the HBS results. We also consider a good practice, the study tour that our colleagues from Botswana National Account did in Mozambique. It was one way to share experiences between countries.

7 Stage of the implementation of the 2008 SNA
Last year Mozambique did not attend AGNA meeting. Thank to ECA, we received all documents from the meeting and could follow the findings of the meeting. The first stage (is not finished) consisted in doing a diagnostic of the current situation. The next step will be the changeover to the 2008 SNA methodology We don´t have yet an implementation plan, but are willing to get with ECA assistance

8 Stage of the implementation of the 2008 SNA
Stage I By the time the ISIC rev4, CPC rev2 and COICOP were released, we obtained the official translated versions from the Portugal NSO then we start to appropriate and adequate to Mozambican reality, so that we have national classifications that are compatible to the above mentioned international classifications, namely CAE rev2, CNBS rev2 and CCIO. The following step was the dissemination among NSO and the main users National accounts had to move from CAE rev1 to CAE rev2, which is the same to say from ISIC rev3 to ISIC rev4. In summary: National accounts has already adopted the classifications ISICrev4 and CPC rev2. which is one of requirementes for the 2008 SNA

9 Stage of the implementation of the 2008 SNA
Stage I The annual and monthly enterprise surveyes use the above classifications; The annual survey is concerned with industries and uses ISIC rev4 and the monthly is concerned with products, so it uses CPC rev2. For the household budget survey the classification in use is COICOP and for the external trade statistics , HS. The use of all the above mentioned classification serves as a pre requisite of the implementation of the new SNA.

10 Stage of the implementation of the 2008 SNA
Stage I We asked the central bank to provide more details in their statement of accounts, and they did. Now, in our accounts the output of Central bank is in accordance with the new SNA; we have non mercantil production for S121 account; for S122 we computed the market production The calculation of FISIM is in accordance with the new SNA and distributed among the institutional sectors. We still miss its distribution among industries

11 Stage of the implementation of the 2008 SNA
Stage I Mozambique is facing a lot of discoveries in mineral resources. There are companies engaging in mineral prospecting and we were not accounting it in our figures. The main challenge for 2015, was to look for data regarding prospection, only now in 2016, we obtained it. The next step is to include it in National accounts as gross formation of fixed capital

12 CHALLENGES i.To complile FISIM into industries; it will depend on the availability of data; ii. Since we have already data on mineral prospection, we need to incorporate into N.A. (T.A. Will be needed to help to identify correctly in which industry and how to deal with this matter that is new for us); iii. Mozambican authorities and IMF think that GDP is undervaluated. They requested us to change the base year from 2009 to 2014 in just 15 months against the usual 36 months, i. e., up to September 2017

13 CHALLENGES iv. We conduct the HBS 2014/2015; due to some problems the third quarter was not conducted. We need assistance or guidance to estimate that quarter and incorporate the results in a coherent manner . v. We need to improve the quality and timelines of economic statistics vi. We dont compile CFK figures: TA is needed All in all, we can say that we published our accounts according to the 1993 SNA with some aspects (very few) of the 2008 SNA. Some guidance (T.A.) will be needed in ordet to set up properly the steps for the implementation of the new system.

14 Thank you

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