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Science DT Cooking Humanities

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1 Science DT Cooking Humanities
PE- Swimming Duckling 1-2 award Safety in water, faces in water, jumping in safely, kicking legs, floats and swimming on backs Abacus Maths Year 1 Number and place value Mental addition and subtraction, Problem solving, reasoning and algebra , Mental multiplication and division, Mental addition and subtraction , Geometry: properties of shapes, Statistics Ruth Miskin Phonics Speed sounds Get Writing books Oxford reading tree books Science Celebrations: Light , Shadow, Music and food DT Homes Shapes and designing Cooking Festival Theme Christmas, Diwali, Halloween, Firework night Nurture Curriculum Overview Autumn Humanities Why do we remember the 5th of November? Literacy Talk4Writing- Year 1 Computing Rising Stars- Year 1 We Are TV Chefs : Filming the steps of a reciepe PSHE/SALT Year 1 News and Current affairs Purrrrfect skills  Managing feelings Non Fiction: Labels, lists and signs Poetry: Songs and repetitive poems

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