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Pandora By; Cecilie Bygum.

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1 Pandora By; Cecilie Bygum

2 Greek Myths There are a lot of Greek myths such as Pandora, king midas, Achilles and Hercules. After all the thinking I did I decided I had a favorite which is Pandora. Let me explain my thinking.

3 Caring The first reason why like Pandora is, because that she is kind to other people. I know that she is kind because when she heard the creatures and opened the box it shows that she was worried about If anything had happened to them.

4 Niceness The second and last reason why I like Pandora is that she is nice. I know that she is nice because she was very sorry when she opened the box with all the awful creatures in it.

5 Thank you I hope you learned about my favorite Greek myth Pandora and why she is my favorite.







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