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Early Colonial America

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1 Early Colonial America
American History

2 What is Colonization? Colonization occurred when people from Europe came to North America and began to settle in the new land. Rulers of several European nations hired explorers during the 1400s, 1500s, and 1600s Spain, England, France, and Holland. They wanted the explorers to search for a Northwest Passage to Asia and to look for gold and other treasure

3 America before colonization
Who were the First Peoples? Diversity! Not one homogenous group. First Peoples developed ways of life depending on the land, resources, and neighbouring peoples around them.

4 In all geographical areas of N
In all geographical areas of N. America (Pacific Coast, Interior Plains, Arctic Tundra) the original people developed a way of life based on the land & the resources they found there.

5 The Thirteen Colonies The name given to British America before American independence British colonial empire in North America British first settled there at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607 The Pilgrims arrived in 1620 to settle at Plymouth, Mass. Throughout the 17th & 18th centuries Europeans battled for control of this territory By 1763, the British were in complete control.

6 The Thirteen Colonies Jamestown was the first settlement, 1607
Many Europeans settled there to escape religious/political persecution Most British shared common language / political background

7 Read the article: Characteristics of the Colonies
Use graphic organizers to help you organize the information.

8 Mercantilism British believed that the American colonies were only valuable for economic purposes. The concept that the colony existed for the good of the mother country. The colonies were to produce goods – mostly raw materials – that could not be produced in Great Britain They were also to provide markets for British manufactured goods The mother country's only obligation was defense.

9 Mercantilism During the early 1700s, there was great economic activity in all of the following areas: South = huge tobacco / rice plantations Middle = agriculture New England = fishing industry

10 The Navigation Acts To protect trade, the British passed the navigation acts which affected the 13 Colonies: Merchants could only ship goods on colonial or English vessels European products could not be imported into the 13 Colonies without going to England where they were taxed Certain colonial products (sugar, cotton, tobacco) could only be sent to England

11 Salutary Neglect While Britain passed the Navigation Acts to protect colonial trade… Britain had a policy of ignoring the Navigation Acts to allow the colonies to grow and become more independent.

12 Colonial Political Power
Most of the colonies were managed by a governor appointed by the king. Each colony also had an elected assembly. Voting was restricted to all male property owners Land was easy to acquire so a greater percentage of the population could vote for their government. One of the powers of the assemblies was to approve any new taxes requested by the Crown or governors


14 The Original Thirteen Colonies
Massachusetts (red) New Hampshire (lt green) New York – 1626 (light blue) Rhode Island (dark blue) Connecticut – 1636 (magenta) Pennsylvania (orange) New Jersey (olive green) Delaware (yellow) Maryland (purple) Virginia (gray) North Carolina (green) South Carolina (tan) Georgia (brown)

15 Life in Colonial America
At this point, we will examine a website to develop an understanding about what life was like in Colonial America Source: Liberty ! The America Revolution: Daily Life in the Colonies (PBS Companion Website) Using information from this site, write a one-page sketch of what it was like to live in America before the Revolution

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