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Army Pest Management Program Army Pest Management Program Joseph Tarnopol Army Senior Management Consultant 703-601-7471 (DSN 329-)

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Presentation on theme: "Army Pest Management Program Army Pest Management Program Joseph Tarnopol Army Senior Management Consultant 703-601-7471 (DSN 329-)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Army Pest Management Program Army Pest Management Program Joseph Tarnopol Army Senior Management Consultant 703-601-7471 (DSN 329-) OACSIM, Installation Services Directorate Environmental Division

2 ARMY Pest Management Program Mission: Provide environmental policy guidance, execution authority, and program management on all matters relating to management and resourcing of Army installations worldwide. Provide resources for the Armys environmental programs. Ensure that environmental program priorities and activities enable the Army mission and supported tenants.

3 Command and Control OSD (AFPMB) ASA(I&E)ACSIM Installation Services Directorate ISE Division Army Senior Consultant AMC MEDCOM Reserves IMCOM ARNG AEC USACHPPM Army School House Navy School House

4 ARMY Pest Management Program Program Regulation Drivers To support DoD policy, Army program objectives comply with environmental laws and regulations and endorse the use of integrated pest management (IPM) in daily operations: Drivers: Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act Pesticide products must obtain an EPA registration prior to manufacture, distribution, and sale Regulate pesticide use thru labeling, packaging, composition and disposal Pesticide applicators must be certified by a state. DoD is considered the 51 st state

5 ARMY Pest Management Program BACKGROUND Armed Forces Pest Management Board (OSD) stood up in 1956 DoD Plan for the Certification of Pesticide Applicators has been in affect since June 1976. AFPMBs mission is to ensure that environmentally sound and effective programs are present to prevent pests and disease vectors from adversely affecting DoD operations

6 ARMY Pest Management Program Program Regulation Drivers Food Quality Protection Act Sets tougher safety standards for new and old pesticides Stricter safety standards, especially for infants and children Every pesticide registration must be reviewed every 15 years

7 ARMY Pest Management Program Program Regulation Drivers Title 7, Chapter 6, FIFRA mandates the use of IPM in federal facilities Federal agencies shall use IPM techniques in carrying out pest management activities and shall promote IPM thru procurement and regulatory policies EO 13112, Invasive Species-established creation of a Council of Departments, and that Federal agencies actively participate in invasive species management

8 ARMY Pest Management Program Program Regulation Drivers EO 13514, Oct 5, 2009, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance, Sec 2 (e)(vii) implement IPM and other landscaping practices

9 ARMY Pest Management Program Federal Facility Responsibilities Under FIFRA Include: Properly following labeling instructions Ensuring that applicators are properly trained and, where necessary, certified to use restricted use pesticides and are using appropriate personnel protective equipment (NOTE DoD requires certification for ALL pesticide applicators) Properly managing pesticide storage facilities Disposing of pesticide residues and waste in accordance with required and recommended procedures Maintaining records of pesticide applications

10 ARMY Pest Management Program DoDI 4150.07 DoD Pest Management Program AR 200-1 Environmental Protection and Enhancement, Chapter 5, Pest Management – All installations will have an Integrated Pest Management Coordinator – All installations will have a Pest Management Plan – Personnel who apply or supervise application of pesticides on Army installations will be trained and certified in accordance with DoD certification standards – All commercial solicitations for pest management will be forwarded to the appropriate Command Pest Management Consultant for professional review prior to solicitation

11 ARMY Pest Management Program Policy Guidance Self HelpIssued Jan 2007 Applies to all installations, including remote facilities under control of a building manager. Not permitted pesticides requiring mixing use of non-certified troop labor used to augment DPW pest management operations > Policy & Guidance (bottom) > self help (near bottom)

12 ARMY Pest Management Program Policy Guidance Government Purchase Card Purchase of all pesticides and pest management services with a Government Purchase Card including micro- purchases below $2500 must be prior approved by the designated Command Pest Management Consultant through Installation Pest Management Coordinator http// > purchase card > policies (FY 08 Purchase Card Operating Procedures pg 88,

13 ARMY Pest Management Program Policy Guidance A memorandum, dated 21 July 2009 clarifies roles and responsibilities for managing the Army Pest Management Program at HQDA and the Command level and supplements AR 200-1 ---HQDA-Senior Pest Management Consultant, designates Command Pest Management Consultants (PMC), provides Army-wide policy guidance ---PMC duties include certifying Government installation pest controllers, ensuring all installations have approved Integrated Pest Management Plans, review and approve contract proposals prior to solicitation, and conduct on-site program reviews.

14 ARMY Pest Management Program A memorandum, dated 9 December 2009, emphasizes the requirement for PMCs to review technical portions of contracts or sub-contracts prior to solicitation. --- Primary purpose is to ensure that the principals of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) are utilized. US Code Title 7, Chapter 6 establishes a statutory requirement for IPM on Federal Facilities.

15 ARMY Pest Management Program Future policy guidance – Agricultural out-leases – Integrated Pest Management Plans – Training and certification

16 ARMY Pest management Program Questions??? PH: 702-601-7471(DSN 329-)

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