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Basic Employability skills

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1 Basic Employability skills

2 Most companies have a mission statement that tells the companies philosophy
Learn about the company before you submit the application Apply for jobs that match your skills and experience Most jobs require you to pass a drug test

3 Lots of employers now advertise job openings on the Internet
If you see a problem on a job tell your supervisor

4 Contact info must be current, accurate, and easy to find You may list personal information like hobbies Make sure dates are easy to follow Proofread Seek jobs that will match your skill level Network

5 Resume Writing Use a readable font
Use key words found in the job description in your objective Format chronologically – most recent first Use short sentences and bulleted lists to describe skills – key words Include certifications and training credentials

6 Use references that know you well
Before taking a job – ask yourself Is the salary enough, how are the benefits, will I like the work, company reputation, coworkers good/bad, travel required, training?, advancement opportunities, safety record

7 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Critical thinking skills allow you to solve problems effectively Allows you to draw sound conclusions and make good decisions – when you? Remain objective – don’t let your feelings get in the way Determine the cause and effect before decisions are made

8 Think about expertise or experience of people who are sources of information
Compare new information with what you already know Weigh the merits of each option – consider if one or more can be justified Barriers – closed-mindedness, personality conflicts, general fear of change

9 How to solve a problem Define the problem
Analyze and explore alternatives Choose a solution and plan its implementation Put the solution into effect and monitor the results Evaluate the final results

10 Planning and scheduling
What materials are needed for the job? What equipment is needed? Tools needed? Labor – cost, time, numbers How to handle delays – look forward in the job

11 Relationship and social skills
How you interact with others – from real actions and perceptions Proper self-presentation – dress, act, speak and interact Introductions – look in the eyes and stand with confidence Make good first impressions

12 Be dependable – more trusting
Be organized – plan your day Don’t do what you are not qualified to do Help when you can Be honest Be a worker that can do things on their own Be on time

13 Conflict Resolution – co-workers
Think before you react Walk away if needed – explain that you need some time to think about the situation Try not to take it personally Avoid being drawn into other’s disagreement’s Respect the people you are in a disagreement with – they believe they are right too

14 Be rational, respectful, and open-minded at all times
Admit there is a conflict Analyze and discuss the problem Let everyone speak Compromise if needed

15 Conflict Resolution - supervisors
Take time to think about the cause before you approach your supervisor – approach with respect Wait until they are free or arrange a time Speak clearly and calmly – don’t be emotional, sarcastic, accusatory, or threatening Only state facts – don’t include others unless they are directly involved

16 Suggest changes, but don’t be upset if your ideas are not taken
Accept the supervisor’s final decision

17 Giving and Receiving Criticism
Constructive criticism is given to help you do your job better or to correct a mistake Don’t take it as someone thinking little of you Use positive or supportive words and facts, not opinions Do it occasionally Never criticize in front of co-workers or supervisors

18 Point out problems the first time they occur
Compliment the person you are criticizing – before you criticize them It is a chance to learn – take it Take responsibility for your actions You can disagree with their criticism – they may have misunderstood your situation – give your reasons for disagreeing

19 Destructive criticism
Designed to hurt, not help It could be about something that needs improvement, but offered negatively If you get this – be professional, stay calm Don’t reply in a negative tone Let them know how it made you feel Tell them to offer suggestions for ways to improve

20 Social Issues in the workplace
Harassment or bullying Stress Drug and alcohol abuse Harassment – negative social behavior – based on race, age, disabilities, gender, religion, cultural issues, health, or language barriers Can be – ethnic slurs, racial jokes, offensive or derogatory comments or other verbal or physical abuse or comments

21 Sexual harassment – unwelcome sexual advances
Requests or exhibits verbal or physical behavior with sexual overtones Harasser may threaten them to be quiet Can be with same or opposite sex Usually continues over a period of time

22 Bullying is usually more common than sexual harassment or racial discrimination – but not reported as often Unwanted aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance Be careful about cyberbullying

23 Drug and alcohol abuse Drinking is an accepted, legal part of modern social life It can turn into a problem – abuse or drinking in excess – is socially unacceptable – can be a risk to yourself and others There is no room in the workplace for alcohol or marijuana use Many have zero tolerance

24 Teamwork and Leadership
Everyone must contribute to their roles for the team to achieve their goal Most all jobs are part of a team Show respect for the other members of your team Follow your leader’s/supervisor’s directions Know that others may be better than you

25 Keep a positive attitude
Work is for the team, not for yourself personally People work at different speeds Goals may not be set by you Trust and appreciate the work of others

26 Leadership skills With more experience you may become a leader
This can happen at any point in your career Lead by example, communicate effectively, motivate your team, organize, plan, direct, resolve problems, be responsible, praise Different types – autocratic, democratic, hands-off

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