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CS 265 Fall 2003 Biometrics Iris Recognition By Jagadha Ganesan

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1 CS 265 Fall 2003 Biometrics Iris Recognition By Jagadha Ganesan
12/9/2018 CS 265 Fall 2003 Prof. Mark Stamp Biometrics Iris Recognition By Jagadha Ganesan 12/9/2018 8:03:38 PM Those who desire to remain anonymous in any particular situation could be denied their privacy by biometric recognition.

2 Overview What is Biometrics ?? Biometrics system & system types
12/9/2018 Overview What is Biometrics ?? Biometrics system & system types Biometric Authentication & Identification Iris Recognition The system Processing Performance Current and future Applications Technology comparisons Issues Conclusion 12/9/2018 8:03:39 PM Those who desire to remain anonymous in any particular situation could be denied their privacy by biometric recognition.

3 Authentication methods :
cs265 12/9/2018 Biometrics ??? biometrics - automatic personal recognition based on personal and behavioral characteristics Authentication methods : What U know - passwords,UserID,PIN,… What U have - key,card,…. What U are - fingerprint,face,iris,voice,… Measurement Requirements: Universality Distinctiveness Permanence Collectibility Be Have Know Biometrics : bios means life merticos means measure. Automatic personal recognition system based on personal characteristics Measurement requirements: Universality : Person should have the characteristics Distinctiveness : characteristics should be different for persons Permanence : Character should be invariant over a period of time Collectibility : Character should be measurable 12/9/2018 8:03:39 PM Those who desire to remain anonymous in any particular situation could be denied their privacy by biometric recognition.

4 Biometrics system & system types
12/9/2018 Biometrics system & system types biometric system - pattern recognition system that recognizes a person based on a feature vector derived from specific a specific physiological or behavioral characteristic that the person possesses. Two modes of systems : Identification : Who is X ??? one-to-many(1:N) system device reads a sample and compares it to every templates in the database Verification : Is this X ??? one-to-one (1:1) system device obtains input(password,etc.) from the user which points to the template in the database.It then obtains the sample from the user and compares it against the user defined template. The biometric system can operate in two modes depending on the application context. Identification Verification Identification is where one to many matching occurs.The system matches the user’s biometric data against all the data records stored in the database. The user could be anywhere in the database or not there at all. Verification is where one to one matching occurs.The user claims to enrolled in the system by presenting the userID or password.The obtains the biometric data form the user and matches it with the stored data for that user. 12/9/2018 8:03:39 PM Those who desire to remain anonymous in any particular situation could be denied their privacy by biometric recognition.

5 Biometric Authentication & Identification
cs265 12/9/2018 Biometric Authentication & Identification Biometric Authentication and Identification: While there many biometric data a system can work with, the mainstream biometric authentication are Retinal or eye contact - Iris recognition or retinal scan Facial recognition Fingerprints or hand geometry Voice recognition Dynamic signature verification 12/9/2018 8:03:39 PM Those who desire to remain anonymous in any particular situation could be denied their privacy by biometric recognition.

6 cs265 12/9/2018 Iris patterns The Iris is the circular visible ring surrounding the pupil. It controls the amount of light passing through the eye with measurable intricate details, such as striations, pits or furrows. The muscular structure of the iris is such that no two irises are alike, even for identical twins, or even right and left eye of a person. This uniqueness makes it powerful for identification and verification. The Iris begins to form in the third month after the birth and completes it pattern formation in eighth month, and it never changes thereafter. This feature gives the technique the property of permanence over other techniques like face or voice recognition which are variant over time. 12/9/2018 8:03:39 PM Those who desire to remain anonymous in any particular situation could be denied their privacy by biometric recognition.

7 Most powerful biometric Technique Most accurate Scalable Opt-in
cs265 12/9/2018 Iris Recognition History : idea proposed by ophthalmologist Frank Burch s- appeared in James Bond films(still remained as fiction) ophthalmologists, Aran Safir and Leonard Flom, patented this idea John Daugman created the algorithm and patented it and are owned by Iridian Technologies. Most powerful biometric Technique Most accurate Scalable Opt-in Non-contact Interoperable cameras History : The Idea of Iris recognition was first proposed by the ophthalmologist Frank Burch. By 1980s the idea appeared in James Bond’s films, but still remained a science fiction and conjecture. Then in 1986 two other ophthalmologists Aran Safir and Leonard Flom, patented this idea and in 1989 they asked John Daugman, who was working in Harvard University to create an algorithm. By 1994 John Daugman created the algorithm and are then owned by Iridian Technologies till now. 12/9/2018 8:03:39 PM Those who desire to remain anonymous in any particular situation could be denied their privacy by biometric recognition.

8 cs265 12/9/2018 How it works ??? Taking a picture : camera takes a black&white picture, 5-24 inches away. Creating an Iris Code : s/w processes the image to extract the iris portion Demodulation encodes the iris pattern to create phase code for texture sequence of the iris. (512 bytes) uses 2D-wavelet functions Iris Recognition: - The iris code template generated from live image is compared to the previously enrolled one to find matches Working overview : The camera takes the picture of the iris from 5-24 inches away depending on the camera type.The camera uses non-invasive near-infrared illumination that are very safe. Then the image is processed by a software to extract the Iris pattern. It is then encoded using a mathematical software to create a phasecode called the Iriscode template of 512 bytes using 2D Gabor wavelet. Within few seconds, the generated Iriscode (valid data) is compared to already enrolled templates stored in the database to find a match. The threshold is adjusted to the search space to ensure no false matches occurs. The main advantage is there in no limitations on no. of records in the database. 12/9/2018 8:03:39 PM Those who desire to remain anonymous in any particular situation could be denied their privacy by biometric recognition.

9 The system and processing
cs265 12/9/2018 The system and processing Template storage Recognize Feature Extraction Identification/ Verification Preprocessing Iris Definition , Field Optimization and Analysis Image Acquisition Reject The processing can be divided into these phases - Image Acquisition - Iris Definition - Field Optimization - Image Analysis - HD calculation 12/9/2018 8:03:39 PM Those who desire to remain anonymous in any particular situation could be denied their privacy by biometric recognition.

10 cs265 12/9/2018 The system Processing Image Acquisition : monochrome CCD camera,simple lens,Frame grabbing board acquires multiple images of the iris. - illumination provided by LEDs operating at nm range mirrors,audible verbal direction, lenses aids user alignment X, Y, Z axis Iris Definition : limbus, pupillary boundary,center of the pupil are analyzed precise location of the iris in obtained Image Acquisition : Multiple Images of the iris is obtained through a monochrome CCD camera, simple lens and frame grabbing board. User alignment X,Y,Z axis is aided by combination of mirrors, audible verbal direction and auto focus lenses. Iris Definition : The precise location of the iris is obtained by analyzing the iris to locate the limbus (the outer boundary of the iris that meets the white sclera of the eye), the nominal pupillary boundary, and the center of the pupil. 12/9/2018 8:03:39 PM Those who desire to remain anonymous in any particular situation could be denied their privacy by biometric recognition.

11 The system Processing (cont..)
cs265 12/9/2018 The system Processing (cont..) Field Optimization : suitable useful area of iris is defined for feature extraction and analysis feature locations and dimensions are defined using polar coordinates. Image Analysis : Demodulation process,features are encoded or digitized to 512 bytes to from the Iriscode enrollment, Iriscode stored in database for future comparison recognition, Iriscode is compared to templates already stored to find a match. Field optimization : The useful area of the iris is obtained by eliminating the portions covered by eyelids, shadow, specular reflections, etc. Image analysis : The pattern obtained is the encoded to 512 bytes using phase modulation of 2D Gabor wavelet.This process is called the Demodulaton. 12/9/2018 8:03:39 PM Those who desire to remain anonymous in any particular situation could be denied their privacy by biometric recognition.

12 The system Processing (cont.)
cs265 12/9/2018 The system Processing (cont.) 2D Gabor Wavelet Demodulation process: - Local regions of an iris are projected onto quadrature 2D Gabor wavelets, generating complex-valued coefficients whose real and imaginary parts specify the coordinates of a phasor in the complex plane. - The angle of each phasor is quantized to one of the four quadrants, setting two bits of phase information. This process is repeated all across the iris with many wavelet sizes, frequencies, and orientations, to extract 2,048 bits for each eye. 12/9/2018 8:03:39 PM Those who desire to remain anonymous in any particular situation could be denied their privacy by biometric recognition.

13 The system Processing (cont.)
cs265 12/9/2018 The system Processing (cont.) Hamming Distance Calculation : measure of variations between live iriscode and the one already stored in the database. HD = perfect mismatch HD = perfect match HD <= sufficient match Hamming Distance Calculation: The available 2048 pair of bits are compared to the template bits using XOR function and assigned a value. If the bits match 0 is assigned and for non-match 1 is assigned. After all the pairs are compared ,the resulting no. of non-matching bits divided by total bits compared gives the Hamming Distance. HD = Non-matching bits / total no. of bits compared 12/9/2018 8:03:39 PM Those who desire to remain anonymous in any particular situation could be denied their privacy by biometric recognition.

14 The system Processing (cont.)
cs265 12/9/2018 The system Processing (cont.) Recognition and Rejection : - comparisons defines frequency distribution average mean HD : 0.08 (accept) (reject) - HD 0.34 : probability of accept and reject are approx. same. Recognition and Rejection : As shown in the graph, the HD probability distributions of is the mean where the accept and reject are equal. The HD of more than 0.34 is considered as arrived from different iris and are rejected. 12/9/2018 8:03:39 PM Those who desire to remain anonymous in any particular situation could be denied their privacy by biometric recognition.

15 Current and future Applications
cs265 12/9/2018 Performance - Crossover(equal)error rate - Recognition speed Enrollment Proximity Confidence Testing Current and future Applications - computer logins border controls secure access ATMs Airports - driving licenses/personal certificates tracing persons - credit card authentication anti-theft activities - anti-terrorism e-commerce/banking - Internet security Biometric-Key Crypto Performance: Crossover rate : The cross over rate in obtained at the point where accept and reject frequencies cross. (misidentification rate).The crossover rate currently is 1 in 1,200,000. Recognition Speed : Speed of the processor and size of the database determines the recognition speed. Enrollment : enrollment can be accomplished in two min or even less than that. Proximity : The distance is function of lens design and illumination. Currently the proximity is about 8-12” for control applications, 1m for ATMs. Confidence : Theprinciples of statistical decision theory, can say with 99% confidence that the values established for the HD of authentic and impostors are within 9% of the whole (infinite) population. 12/9/2018 8:03:39 PM Those who desire to remain anonymous in any particular situation could be denied their privacy by biometric recognition.

16 Technology comparison
cs265 12/9/2018 Technology comparison The table compares the various biometric techniques. The Iris recognition has very less misidentification rate and highly secure. 12/9/2018 8:03:39 PM Those who desire to remain anonymous in any particular situation could be denied their privacy by biometric recognition.

17 Performance with level of training
cs265 12/9/2018 Issues Performance with level of training Require certain amount of user interaction Need fallback procedures for identification and Authentication Small and moving target Deforms as pupil changes size The Issues: Performance with the level of training is important for effectiveness and efficiency of the system. Not every person will enroll quickly and properly the first time. The eye have certain degree of lightning.Many users struggle to interact with the system. The user have to hold still for few seconds at certain spot. The target, the eye, is also small and moving and the deformation of pupil also is an issue here. 12/9/2018 8:03:39 PM Those who desire to remain anonymous in any particular situation could be denied their privacy by biometric recognition.

18 cs265 12/9/2018 Conclusion The uniqueness of iris even between left and right eye make Iris recognition a powerful method for identification and authentication. The process is simple non-threatening video technology which captures the image, digitize it to iriscode and compare it to the database all in less than 2 sec. The US government, in their recent testing, have proven the practicality and feasibility of extremely accurate iris recognition Iris recognition is the epitome of biometric identification - the entire planet could be enrolled into an iris database and there would still be a minute chance of false identification (FAR) or rejection (FRR). 12/9/2018 8:03:39 PM Those who desire to remain anonymous in any particular situation could be denied their privacy by biometric recognition.

19 • Enrollment : A sample of the biometric trait is taken, processed
cs265 12/9/2018 Some Biometric terms • Enrollment : A sample of the biometric trait is taken, processed by a computer, and stored • Identification mode (or “one-to-many”) Biometric system identifies a person from the entire enrolled population by searching a database for a match • Verification mode (or “one-to-one”) Biometric system matches a person’s claimed identity to enrolled pattern • False Match Rate Percentage of impostors wrongly matched • False Non-Match Rate Percentage of valid users wrongly rejected • Equal Error Rate (EER) The false match rate equals the false non-match rate 12/9/2018 8:03:39 PM Those who desire to remain anonymous in any particular situation could be denied their privacy by biometric recognition.

20 References [1] Iris
12/9/2018 References [1] Iris [2]Iridian Technologies- “An Intorduction to Iris recognition”. [3] A paper on “How Iris recognition works” by John Daugman. [4] “Iris Recognition Technology” by Gerald O. Williams — Iridian Technologies, Inc. [5] “Biometric Recognition:Security and Privacy Concerns” Prabhakar, S.; Pankanti, S.; Jain, A.K.; Security & Privacy Magazine, IEEE , Volume: 1 Issue: 2 , Mar-Apr 2003 Related papers: Web page of John Daugman,Cambridge University 12/9/2018 8:03:39 PM Those who desire to remain anonymous in any particular situation could be denied their privacy by biometric recognition.

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