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Mega Kalahari Ranch.

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1 Mega Kalahari Ranch

2 The farm is 25,300 hectares he vast expense of land hosts a spectrum of game species: Wild roaming lions are a big attraction with the Ha and have enough animals to feed on. The main source of pray species are Kudu and Bluewildbeest. Leopard, Cheetah and Hyena are plentiful. Game include Gemsbuck, Kudu, Eland, Warthog, Rehartebeest, Impala, Giraffe, Duiker, Steenbuck and Zebra. The nocturnal species of game like genet, badgers, porcupine and brown hyena occur in high average numbers.


4 Topography is mainly undulating with valleys, sand dunes & plains
Topography is mainly undulating with valleys, sand dunes & plains. The soil is mainly sandy to sand loam and deep Kalahari sands. Vegetation comprises of good grass coverage and tree varieties are dominated by Acasia and Albizea which are mainly a food source for browsers. The mega Kalahari Ranch has a well equipped water infrastructure and the main source of water is boreholes, equipped either by solar energy with submersible pump systems or by means of diesel fuel engines with mono pumps. Natural pans occur which are filled by rain during the rainy season or pumped by means of the boreholes.






10 Location Located North on the border of the Central Kalahari National Park, about 150 km South of the famous Okovango Delta and 50 km from the Makgalagadi Pans National Park. This property is on lease hold with rights secured for years with the right of first refusal by the owners. The farm is company owned.

11 Viewing Arrangements Viewing is strictly by appointment with the selling agents Pavilions of Splendour International Inc. Letter of Interest & Proof of funds is required for a viewing appointment. To make an appointment either Telephone: Skype: pavilionsofsplendour

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