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Public Sector Innovation and Innovation Labs

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1 Public Sector Innovation and Innovation Labs
Slide 01 Public Sector Innovation and Innovation Labs An Overview April 9-10, Sofia Bulgaria KEVIN RICHMAN #OPSI @KIRICHMAN @OPSIgov

2 What is Innovation? Slide 03 #OPSI @KIRICHMAN
Public Sector Innovation and Innovation Labs

3 Innovation Novelty Implementation Impact What is Innovation?
Innovation does not have a specific definition – you know it when you see it, but others may disagree. What innovation means to you and what it looks like in your context may be very different to those of others. What is Innovation? Novelty Innovation introduces new approach Implementation Innovations are more than an idea, they involve doing Impact Innovations are things that make a difference, though it may not be easy to measure Public Sector Innovation and Innovation Labs

4 THE OPSI 1 3 2 Slide 02 #OPSI @KIRICHMAN
The Observatory of Public Sector Innovation was launched in 2013 at the OECD. In 2016 a team was assembled to build up different work-streams of the Observatory. OPSI works with close partnership with the European Commission. UNCOVERING WHAT IS NEXT Identifying innovative practices at the edge of government and providing insights into what they mean for government. E.g., OPSI platform of public sector updates, biannual updates from OECD member countries, Global Innovation Review (February) 1 TURNING THE NEW INTO NORMAL Investigating the frameworks, skills, and methods to unlock creativity and innovation, and helping embed them in the day-to-day work of public servants. E.g., OPSI skills framework, innovation lifecycle studies, systems thinking workshops PROVIDING TRUSTED ADVICE TO FOSTER INNOVATION Identifying contextual and system-specific barriers to innovation, and supporting countries in finding ways to overcome them. E.g., public sector innovation review of Canada, advice on specific projects (UAE, Latvia, Slovenia etc.) . 3 2 #OPSI @KIRICHMAN Public Sector Innovation and Innovation Labs

5 Studying the Levels of Innovation
Slide 07 Levels of Analysis Innovation occurs in a variety of ways across multiple levels Studying the Levels of Innovation #OPSI @KIRICHMAN Public Sector Innovation and Innovation Labs


7 SYSTEM CAPACITY Slide 16 What level of analysis? ORGANISATION

8 Working with Leaders to understand innovation levers
Slide 16 What level of analysis? Working with Leaders to understand innovation levers INDIVIDUAL SKILLS ORGANISATION CAPBILITIES SYSTEM CAPACITY Public Sector Innovation and Innovation Labs

9 Analyzing Innovation Systems
Slide 16 What level of analysis? Country Reviews Analyzing Innovation Systems DELIVERING ON TODAY: MISSION ORIENTED PUBLIC SECTOR INNOVATION DELIVERING ON TOMORROW: ANTICIPATORY INNOVATION ENSURING INNOVATION READINESS: ABSORBTIVE CAPACITY INDIVIDUAL SKILLS ORGANISATION CAPBILITIES SYSTEM CAPACITY Reason for: What is driving the intent to innovate? Possibility of: What affects the likelihood of innovation being attempted? Capability for: What is needed in order to carry out the attempt at innovation? Experience of: What affects whether innovation continues? Public Sector Innovation and Innovation Labs

10 Separating Fact from Fiction
Slide 09 Innovation Labs Separating Fact from Fiction Some examples, really difficult choice to make What is Innovation?

11 Public Sector Innovation Labs:
Slide 05 Public Sector Innovation Labs: The Current State LABS ARE FORCED TO FOCUS ON SMALL WINS PSI AND POLICY MAKING ARE OFTEN NOT CONGRUENT 01 04 Labs are often asked to show ROI and therefore, get stuck in a cycle of small, short-term wins rather than long-term, complex challenges Public sector innovation experts generally follows a strict discipline, which can run counter to the current policy development cycle in practice, process and approach POLICY ALWAYS HAS POLITICAL ELEMENTS AND LABS OFTEN STRUGGLE RECONCILING LABS STRUGGLE TO SHOW THEY HELP BUILD CAPACITY 02 05 While labs partner with civil servants and conduct training, but outside of specific instances/training, civil servants snap back to previous ways of working without an innovation support system To be successful, policy labs need to be able to work within the political system and with the party in power as they generally are the ones making policy decisions. Staying apolitical can keep a policy lab from being effective. POLICY AND INNOVATION HAVE DIFFERENT RELATIONSHIPS WITH EVIDENCE LABS PRIMARILY IMPROVE SERVICE DESIGN AND DELIVERY 03 06 Service design and delivery are great ways to show instant value and is tangible enough for leaders to understand impact. Policy is rapidly becoming a very evidence-driven discipline. At time, this can run counter with innovation as there is rarely evidence when attempting something new. Public Sector Innovation and Innovation Labs

12 Patterns of Successful PSI Labs
Slide 07 Patterns of Successful PSI Labs While there is no recipe for Innovation Lab success, there are some common components Tries new methods and approaches Works in policy and implementation Can serve as a testing ground for new methods and approaches that can yield success 01 02 Labs need to be engaged in both policy and implementation to ensure they are engaged through the entire cycle and are as close to the problems and feedback as well as policy development 03 04 The Lab has a long-term perspective The Lab is focused Find the balance of short-term sprints with long-term focus and impact. This may lead to a lack of short-term measureable impact Labs cannot be everything to everyone, but if it is focused it is easier to understand and demonstrate impact and benefits 05 Mandate The Lab knows why it exists and has a clear understanding of its role and authority Public Sector Innovation and Innovation Labs

13 Slide 19 #OPSI @KIRICHMAN @OPSIgov

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