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Volcanoes Key Question: How are volcanoes hazardous to human populations and what controls risk? Key Words Risk and Hazard Primary and Secondary Effects.

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Presentation on theme: "Volcanoes Key Question: How are volcanoes hazardous to human populations and what controls risk? Key Words Risk and Hazard Primary and Secondary Effects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volcanoes Key Question: How are volcanoes hazardous to human populations and what controls risk? Key Words Risk and Hazard Primary and Secondary Effects

2 What is the difference between a hazard and risk?
Anything that poses a threat to humans or property Hazard = Risk = Probability or likelihood of being affected by the hazard

3 Why do volcanoes erupt in different styles
Red (Shield) One control on risk of eruptions in volcano type. Task: Decide what type of plate boundary each forms at and think of some of the hazards associated with each Grey (Cone)

4 Why do volcanoes erupt in different styles
Grey (Cone) Red (Shield) Volcano Type Hazards Task: Decide what type of plate boundary each forms at and think of some of the hazards associated with each

5 Grey (Cone) Hazards: Ash / tephra (roof collapse and breathing difficulties) Lava flows (High Viscosity Andesite and Rhyolite ) Pyroclastic Flows Famine Tsunami Volcanic Gases Lateral Blasts Climate Change Mudflows (lahar)

6 For these highlighted explain how they occur
Grey (Cone) Hazards: Ash / tephra (roof collapse and breathing difficulties) Lava flows (High Viscosity Andesite and Rhyolite ) Pyroclastic Flows Famine For these highlighted explain how they occur Volcanic Gases Lateral Blasts Climate Change Mudflows (lahar)

7 Red (Shield) Hazards: Lava (low viscosity basalt –effusive) Ash Gas
Climate change

8 Why do volcanoes erupt in different styles
Grey (Cone) Red (Shield) Volcano Type Mudflows (lahar) Lava (low viscosity basalt –effusive) Climate Change Hazards Lateral Blasts Ash Task: Now decide which are primary and secondary Volcanic Gases Pyroclastic Flows Gas Famine Lava flows Climate change Ash / tephra tsunami

9 Primary Hazards

10 How can their explosivity be measured?
VEI 0 The Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) is used for classifying explosive eruptions. VEI 1 & 2 open-ended VEI 5 10 times larger than the previous value (logarithmic) VEI 6 VEI 7 VEI 8

11 Measuring Volcanic Eruptions
Non-explosive eruptions. gentle effusion of low-viscosity basaltic magma e.g. Hawaiian and Icelandic volcanoes. EFFUSIVE ERUPTION. VEI 0 Small explosive eruptions that eject enough debris (100,000m³) to cover London with a thin dusting of ash! VEI 1 & 2 More violent explosive eruption of the more viscous andesitic magmas such as the 1980 Mount St Helens eruption in the USA VEI 5 Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines in This was the largest eruption in the 20th Century and blasted out sufficient material to bury the City of London to a depth twice that of the height of the former World Trade Centre towers in New York! VEI 6 1815 eruption of Tambora in Indonesia, the largest eruption since the end of the last Ice Age - 10,000 years ago. The Tambora eruption blasted out over 100km³ of debris - enough to bury the City of London to a depth of 1km! VEI 7 Toba, in Sumatra in Indonesia over 70,000 years ago. This blast ejected sufficient gas and debris into the atmosphere to bury the whole of Greater London to a depth of 1km, as well cause a rapid and dramatic change to the global climate. SUPERVOLCANIC ERUPTION. VEI 8

12 Explosivity of Volcanic Eruptions
Red volcano Explosiveness Effusive Grey volcano Low gas pressure Gas pressure Viscosity Fluid Silica content in magma 52-45% SiO2 Magma type Basaltic Plate tectonic setting Constructive Plate Margin

13 Volcanic risk? What controls your overall risk? Eruption Style
Level of Development Volcanic risk? Population Density Technology Finally Is living in Indonesia or Iceland is more dangerous and why (for volcanoes). Task: Explain how each changes the risk

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