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Non-Local Students Working in HK “Internships”

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1 Non-Local Students Working in HK “Internships”
All non-local students are supposed to have two “No Objection Letter (NOL)” issued by the HKSAR Immigration Department, respectively for: Study/curriculum-related internship, i.e. a placement which counts towards MII, whichever is full-time/part-time or on-campus/off-campus placement; Part-time on-campus employment and employment during summer months (i.e. 1 Jun – 31 Aug) i.e. part-time on-campus job and summer job but not counting towards MII

2 Non-Local Students Working in HK “Internships”
NOL – study/curriculum related internship (counting towards MII) For students to do study-related internship placement(s) while the total duration is up to one year, or one-third of the normal duration of the programme , whichever is shorter (i.e. 8 months in MSc ISTL). This NOL will only be valid for one academic year and will only be issued as long as the student has not reached the limit set for taking up internship. Such internship placements can only be legally commenced with the prior endorsement by your MII coordinator. NOL – part-time on-campus employment and employment during summer months (not counting towards MII) This NOL covers the normal study period of the programme (i.e. 2 years in MSc ISTL). For students to do part-time job on-campus (≤ 20 hours/week), e.g. student helper, with no limitation on the period of time. For students to do summer job, not internship, during the period 1 Jun – 31 Aug. No endorsement from the University will be required if this will not be used for MII fulfilment.

3 Non-Local Students Working in HK “Internships”
DO NOT start working for your MII without the prior endorsement by your MII Coordinator. If you have any queries/problems during your internship period, please contact FB WIE Office and/or visit If you have done any internship without the University’s prior endorsement, you will break the terms stated in your NOL by the HKSAR Immigration Department and you may also break the terms stated in the undertaking you signed with the Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies

4 contact for any queries
Non-Local Students Working in HK “Graduate Placements” Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG) Non-local fresh graduates who wish to apply to stay and work in the HKSAR are not required to secure an offer of employment upon application. They may be granted 12 months' stay on time limitation without other conditions of stay provided that normal immigration requirements are met. Please send your application direct to HKSARG Immigration Department (IMMD). IMMD may need 4-6 weeks to process your application. You may be offered with a graduate placement by the internship offering organization after graduation, you can only work with the visa obtained via the IANG scheme. Please refer to the IANG handout or visit or contact for any queries

5 IANG Application Procedure
IANG Hotline: ( Application Method: Prepare the following documents and apply directly from IMMD IANG Division (a) transcript, (b) Exam Result Notification (ERN), or (c) Testimonial which proves that he/she has successfully completed a programme hosted by PolyU.  These documents are ready once your examination is finalized (i.e. end of your final semester).  Student can contact Mr Raymond Lam, Department of Logistics & Maritime Studies, at more details re these supplementary documents Processing Time: Under general circumstances, 4 – 6 weeks are needed for IANG application processing.

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