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Low-x physics at the LHC

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1 Low-x physics at the LHC
Ronan McNulty University College Dublin 2010 CTEQ-MCNet School, Lauterbad. Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

2 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
Outline Overview W,Z production (x~10-4) Sensitivity to PDFs g* production (x~10-6) Exclusive processes Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

3 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
Theory Experiment Prediction Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

4 Theory v Experiment at the LHC
Hadronic Cross-section PDFs Partonic Cross-section Identify process with precise partonic cross-section in a region where the PDFs are well understood with a large enough cross-section which can be cleanly identified by experiment Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

5 Theory v Experiment at the LHC
Hadronic Cross-section PDFs Partonic Cross-section Test the SM at highest energies Check out that DGLAP evolution works (test QCD) Push theory into interesting regions with very soft gluons Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

6 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
9 8 7 6 5 log10(Q2) [GeV2] 4 3 2 1 -1 log10(x) Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

7 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
9 8 7 6 5 log10(Q2) [GeV2] 4 3 2 1 -1 LHC kinematic region log10(x) Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

8 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
9 8 7 6 5 log10(Q2) [GeV2] 4 3 2 1 -1 LHC kinematic region DGLAP evolution log10(x) Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

9 Recap from Fred’s lecture…..
Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

10 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
9 8 7 6 5 log10(Q2) [GeV2] 4 3 2 1 -1 y: LHC kinematic region Production of object of mass Q at rapidity DGLAP evolution log10(x) Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

11 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
ATLAS h:  Tracking -2.5 < η < 2.5 Counters (lumi) 5 < η< 6.1, -6.1 < η< 5, |η| > 8.1 ECAL, HCAL -4.5 < η < 4.5, |η| > 8.1 Muon -2.7 < η < 2.7 Trigger at low (high) lumi Pt(μ) > 4 GeV, (10 GeV), Pt(e) > 5 GeV, (12 GeV) Low mass DY (|η|<2.5, or forward w.o. tracking) Low mass resonances (|η|<2.5) Forward jet production (|η|<4.5) Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

12 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
CMS h: Tracking -2.5 < η < 2.5 TOTEM: 3.1 <  < 4.7, 5.2 <  < 6.5 ECAL, HCAL -6.5 < η < 6.5 Muon Trigger Pt(μ)>3.5 GeV, Pt(calo)>4 GeV, + fwd. triggers Low mass DY (|η|<2.5, or forward with limited tracking) Low mass resonances (|η|<2.5) Forward jet production (|η|<6.5) Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

13 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
9 8 7 6 5 log10(Q2) [GeV2] 4 3 2 1 -1 y: LHC kinematic region ATLAS & CMS ATLAS & CMS: Collision between two partons having similar momentum fractions. PDFs either already measured by HERA or Tevatron, or requiring modest extrapolation through DGLAP. log10(x) Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

14 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
ALICE h: |h|<0.9 Tracking -0.9 < h < 0.9 Particle ID ECAL (HCAL) -0.9 < h < 0.9 (|h| > 8.5) Muon -4 < h < -2.5 Counters -3.4 < h < 5 Trigger Pt (m)> 1 (2) GeV Forward particle (muon) production (-4 < η < -2.5) Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

15 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
9 8 7 6 5 log10(Q2) [GeV2] 4 3 2 1 -1 y: LHC kinematic region Alice: Collision between two partons having similar momentum fractions. But some far-forward muon converage. Alice log10(x) Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

16 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
ATLAS 3D view Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

17 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
CMS Longitudinal View Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

18 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
ATLAS 3D view Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

19 LHCb: a forward spectrometer
y Tracking Stations Interaction Point Muon Chambers 250mrad 10mrad Vertex detector l 20m z Magnet RICH detectors ECAL HCAL Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

20 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
LHCb h: Tracking 1.8 < η < 4.9 Particle ID ECAL, HCAL Muon Trigger* Pt(μ) > 1 GeV, Pt(had) > 2.5 GeV Low mass forward DY (1.8 < η < 4.9) Forward Z/W production (1.8 < η < 4.9) Forward jet production (1.8 < η < 4.9) Forward resonances (1.8 < η < 4.9) Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

21 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
9 8 7 6 5 log10(Q2) [GeV2] 4 3 2 1 -1 y: LHC kinematic region LHCb: Collision between one well understood parton and one unknown or large DGLAP evolved parton. LHCb LHCb log10(x) Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

22 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
9 8 7 6 5 log10(Q2) [GeV2] 4 3 2 1 -1 y: LHC kinematic region W,Z ATLAS & CMS ATLAS & CMS: Collision between two partons having similar momentum fractions. PDFs either already measured by HERA or Tevatron, or requiring modest extrapolation through DGLAP. g* log10(x) Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

23 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
9 8 7 6 5 log10(Q2) [GeV2] 4 3 2 1 -1 y: LHC kinematic region LHCb: Collision between one well understood parton and one unknown or large DGLAP evolved parton. Potential to go to very low x, where PDFs essentially unknown W,Z LHCb LHCb DGLAP evolution g* log10(x) Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

24 Accessing low-x through Vector Bosons
Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

25 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
9 8 7 6 5 log10(Q2) [GeV2] 4 3 2 1 -1 y: LHC kinematic region W,Z DGLAP evolution log10(x) Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

26 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
W production at LHC n n W W W n W n n W u or d quark comes from one proton (valence or sea) u or d from gluon splitting in other. Naïve expectation that W+/W- = 2 (Note also some sensitivity to c,s quark.) Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

27 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
hep-ph/ Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

28 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
Boson Level Lepton Level Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

29 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
Z production at LHC u or d quark comes from one proton (valence or sea) u or d from gluon splitting in other. But also some sensitivity to s quark. Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

30 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

31 Theoretical predictions
Total cross-section and rapidity distributions known to NNLO. <1% precision (FEWZ MonteCarlo) . Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

32 Effect of PDF uncertainties on cross-sections
~LHCb Region where the most precise EW tests can be made. At highest rapidities, PDFs can be constrained. Experimental statistical error <<1%. Systematic error likely to be ~1% Percentage uncertainty on cross-sections due to PDF Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

33 But you can do better ! How do PDF uncertainties contribute?
So ratio of Ws is sensitive to d to u ratio. (For LHCb dv/uv) Ratio of Z to W is almost insensitive to PDFs! Gold plated test of SM at the highest energies Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

34 But you can do better ! How do PDF uncertainties contribute?
W asymmetry is sensitive to difference in u and d. (For LHCb uv-dv) Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

35 Effect of PDF uncertainties on cross-sections
RWZ precise test of SM everywhere. Difference in u and d quarks can be significantly improved by all experiments at the LHC. Going forward, you increasingly constrain the u-valence to d-valence ratio. Even nicer, most experimental systematics (especially luminosity) cancel in the ratio. Percentage uncertainty on cross-section ratios due to PDF Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

36 Finding Vector Bosons at low-x.
Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

37 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
Z: Characteristic signature of two high transverse momentum muons (pT~mZ/2) from hard scatter, plus some softer tracks. Isolation criteria: Note some sensitivity to higher order processes, to underlying event, and to pile-up. Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

38 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
37nb-1 Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

39 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

40 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

41 Many more (higher-x) Z at CMS, Atlas.
Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

42 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
W: n W One high transverse momentum muon (pT~mW/2) from hard scatter, plus some softer tracks. Isolation criteria: Missing pt. Note some sensitivity to higher order processes, to underlying event, and to pile-up. Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

43 W signal and background live in different regions
Cone isolation Event isolation Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

44 Muon transverse momentum spectrum
LHCb preliminary 59nb-1 Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

45 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

46 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

47 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
W/Z ratio. Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

48 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
W asymmetry (ATLAS) Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

49 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
W asymmetry (CMS) Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

50 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
W asymmetry (LHCb) Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

51 How well can W,Z measurements constrain the PDFs?
Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

52 How can W,Z constrain PDFs?
From global fits, PDFs described by a set of orthogonal eigenvectors, which have a ‘central’ value e0, and ‘uncertainties’ ei. is the value of the differential cross-section obtained using the central value. is the value of the differential cross-section obtained moving one unit along eigenvector 1 1 is the change in the differential cross-section when I move one unit along eigenvector 1 is the change in the differential cross-section when I move 0.5 along e.v. 1 and 0.3 along e.v. 3 Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

53 How can W,Z constrain PDFs?
From global fits, PDFs described by a set of orthogonal eigenvectors, which have a ‘central’ value e0, and ‘uncertainties’ ei. (where δi is #sigmas along ei) Current knowledge of PDFs mapped out by sampling δi from unit multinomial distribution. Perform pseudo-experiments, generating LHC data and fitting for δi, to see how eigenvector knowledge improves. Effect on MSTW08, CTEQ6.5, ALEKHIN2002, NNPDF2.0 studied. Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

54 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
Improvement to MSTW08 PDFs with 0.1fb-1 of high mass vector bosons at 7TeV Uncertainty on PDF with 0.1fb-1 of LHCb data Uncertainty on PDF without LHCb data Modest improvement with small amount of data Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

55 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
Comparison with different PDFs using 0.1fb-1 of high mass vector bosons at 7TeV Uncertainty on PDF with 0.1fb-1 of LHCb data Uncertainty on PDF without LHCb data Similar sensitivity. Ability to distinguish models Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

56 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
Improvement to CTEQ66 PDFs with 1fb-1 of high mass vector bosons at 14 TeV Uncertainty on PDF with 1fb-1 of LHCb data Uncertainty on PDF without LHCb data More data and higher energy lead to larger improvements. Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

57 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
Improvement to PDFs: Similar sized improvements for each PDF Ability to distinguish between models 0.1 fb-1 of data at 7 TeV will test the SM 1fb-1 of data at 14 TeV can improve PDFs by about 30%. Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

58 Using g* to go to very low-x.
Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

59 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
9 8 7 6 5 log10(Q2) [GeV2] 4 3 2 1 -1 y: LHC kinematic region LHCb LHCb DGLAP evolution g* log10(x) Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

60 Effect of PDF uncertainties on cross-sections
~LHCb Percentage uncertainty on cross-sections due to PDF Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

61 First data. Analyses using 37 nb-1
g*->mm Require two isolated muons pt>1GeV consistent with primary vertex. b,c background taken from simulation Muon misidentified tracks taken from data: pions and kaons in Minimum Bias triggered event scaled with misidentification probability. Sample of DY events can be identified with reasonably high purity Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

62 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

63 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
ATLAS (shown at ICHEP) Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

64 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
CMS (shown at ICHEP) Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

65 J/Y production (ALICE)
Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

66 Why is this interesting
9 8 7 6 5 log10(Q2) [GeV2] 4 3 2 1 -1 Why is this interesting LHC kinematic region DGLAP evolution Up in Q2 for given x log10(x) Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

67 Why is this interesting
9 8 7 6 5 log10(Q2) [GeV2] 4 3 2 1 -1 Why is this interesting LHC kinematic region BFKL evolution log10(x) Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

68 Phase Change: Saturation.
Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

69 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
Interlude Some theoretical issues (as discussed extensively at this school). Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

70 PDF uncertainties at low-x, low-Q2
MSTW08. (Thanks to Graeme Watt) NLO LO NNLO Different behaviour and uncertainty with order of calculation. Gluon essentially unconstrained by data below 10-4 DGLAP evolution not trustworthy in this region. Gluon re-summation effects. Possibly entering saturation regime. Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

71 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
From Fred: Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

72 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
For qT~mV NLO calculations e.g. with MCFM generator (Ellis & Campbell) see Bozzi, Catani, Ferrera, de Florian, Grazzini, arXiv: and arXiv: (14th July 2010). Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

73 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
But for qT<<mV Large logs gluon resummation required see Bozzi, Catani, Ferrera, de Florian, Grazzini, arXiv: and Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

74 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
With resummation for Z Full calculation for low mass DY: hep-ph Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

75 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
Improvement to MSTW08 PDFs with 0.1fb-1 of low mass vector bosons at 7TeV Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

76 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
Improvement to CTEQ66 PDFs with 0.1fb-1 of low mass vector bosons at 7TeV Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

77 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
Improvement to NNPDF2.0 PDFs with 0.1fb-1 of low mass vector bosons at 7TeV Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

78 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
Improvement to different PDF sets with 0.1fb-1 of low invariant mass muons (10-20GeV) at 7TeV Uncertainty on PDF with 0.1fb-1 of LHCb data Uncertainty on PDF without LHCb data Similar improvements to MSTW, CTEQ and Alekhin PDFs. Sensitivity exists to distinguish between models. Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

79 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
Current uncertainty on MSTW08 PDFs and projections with 0.1fb-1, 1fb-1 of very low invariant mass muons at 7TeV 20% 20% 20% 10% 10% 10% 20% 20% 10% 10% Significant improvements possible with modest amount of data Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

80 Exclusive particle production
Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

81 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
Recent CDF results (402 events) Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

82 ... the flat, well understood part... (ATLAS, CMS, LHCb)
CMS: S. Ovyn at DIS08 ATLAS: B.Caron CERN-THESIS LHCb: LHCb/2008/01 Important for luminosity determination Theoretically known to <1% (QED) 700 events in 100 pb-1 SIMULATION! Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

83 ... exclusive resonances forward region... (CMS, LHCb, ALICE)
100 pb-1 Produced at low x-Q2 as for DY, but now probing photons or pomerons. Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

84 Ronan McNulty 2010 CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad
Summary The low-x region can be probed in several ways at the LHC, allowing tests of the SM and of QCD. Significant improvements to gluon PDF are likely in the near future, probing the previously unexplored, and theoretically interesting region down to x=10-6. Ronan McNulty CTEQ-MCNet school, Lauterbad

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