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Study on EU VET Policy instruments

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1 Study on EU VET Policy instruments
ICF Consulting in association with 20 June 2018

2 Context Study objectives
In January 2018 the European Commission contracted a study to: Assess the progress made in implementation of ECVET and EQAVET Identify which aspects of these instruments are seen as most influential and which ones need to be reviewed; and Analyse scenarios for future development of these initiatives. The research is due to complete in July 2018 (final report in August/September). Framework contract for studies (EAC )

3 Study methodology Framework contract for studies (EAC )

4 Who is being consulted and how?
100 interviews ACVT, ReferNet, national & European stakeholders Informants ‘VET generalists’ ‘Instrument specialists’ Mixed groups Targeted consultations ECVET UG / EQAVET network Expert brainstorming sessions 2 rounds of Delphi 2 workshops Framework contract for studies (EAC )

5 We are not starting from scratch
Framework contract for studies (EAC )

6 Extended date: Responses can be submitted until 30 June!
Progress to date Midway through the research. Have conducted: 65+ interviews with national (ACVT, ReferNet, E+ NAs) and EU level stakeholders A targeted consultation of ECVET UG / EQAVET network (17 responses so far) Desk research on documentation (EQAVET and ECVET evaluations, Cedefop publications, newsletters, etc.) Two brainstorming discussions to ‘stress test’ findings A stakeholder workshop to discuss options and identify potential scenarios Extended date: Responses can be submitted until 30 June! Framework contract for studies (EAC )

7 Emerging findings

8 Emerging influence - EQAVET
- Main achievement was in ensuring the principle of using internal and external evaluations are now common practice. - Use of agreed set of key indicators in national QA systems has also become common. These indicators are overall aligned with the EQAVET indicators, even though some are more commonly used than others. - Contributed to foster quality assurance thinking whereby quality assurance is a cyclical process - Helping raise the profile of QA among MS policy makers through having a formal Recommendation - Influence is however mostly in IVET - Influence variable by MS – largely dependent on maturity of QA systems Framework contract for studies (EAC )

9 Enablers of influence (ECVET and EQAVET)
Instruments have developed European communities of practice among experts, which have several effects: Circulating knowledge about different models through peer learning Country capacity building by giving tools and ideas on what works in other contexts Empowering national stakeholders, as the Recommendations offer certain legitimacy for actions at national level. The topics at the core of these instruments (QA, mobility, flexibility of VET) remain relevant for national developments EQAVET: flexibility; clear mission and positioning Putting the spotlight on QA in VET & concrete trigger for development of QA systems Inspiring further development and fine-tuning of existing QA approaches/systems (e.g. pointing out gaps, suggesting new indicators, approaches) Framework contract for studies (EAC )

10 Issues affecting the influence of the instruments & emerging questions
Working groups are often seen as working in closed circles with closed communities. Variable awareness and understanding of these instruments between policy makers and stakeholders (from interviews) Relationship between EU instruments appears to be lost among some countries For EQAVET, perceived to be IVET focused, with lack of relevance for CVET, WBL and online learning Emerging questions… How much appetite is there, at country level, to pursue the core objectives of EQAVET? How does it link to other current priorities and challenges? Has EQAVET, in the current form and with current governance structures, reached its limits for some countries in terms of catalysing broader or system-level change? Do some come countries simply require more time to gain traction? Does EQAVET need a change in discourse? Framework contract for studies (EAC )

11 Potential scenarios for the instruments

12 Setting out potential scenarios
Eight potential scenarios for the future of the instruments have been identified from the research so far Extreme scenarios deliberately included for coverage of as broad range of alternatives as possible Most scenarios can apply to one or both instruments Some scenarios can also be combined Scenarios will be assessed in more detail in the remainder of the study An early indication of potential strengths, weaknesses/risks and potential impacts has however been conducted Principle of subsidiarity Framework contract for studies (EAC )

13 Scenarios to be explored in the study #1
Scenario 1: Enhanced status quo Scenario 2: Limited scope on aspects that work well Scenario 3: Implementation limited to EU programmes only (E+, ESF) Scenario 4: EQAVET and ECVET absorbed by other (existing) instruments Scenario 5: Instruments part of wider VET strategy (one overarching Recommendation) Scenario 6: Discontinue ECVET and EQAVET Scenario 7: Mandate an EU body to review QA systems, qualification design and award Scenario 8: Instruments are aligned to similar instruments in HE, with an ambition of converging systems across HE and VET Framework contract for studies (EAC )

14 Scenarios to be explored in the study #2
Scenario 1: Enhanced status quo Continuation of two separate recommendations with related ‘brands’, governance structures and activities The content of the specific instruments may be modified to adjust to obvious shortcomings but the main modalities of each instrument are maintained Scenario 2: Limited scope – only focus on those aspects that work well The instruments are refocused on more specific issues – those where their use is greatest ECVET focuses on quality and recognition of transnational mobility. As such it becomes compulsory for VET mobility under Erasmus + programme. Framework contract for studies (EAC )

15 Scenarios to be explored in the study #3
Scenario 3: Implementation is limited to EU programmes No EU level Recommendations and related governance structures but only tools that are promoted through EU programmes. VET mobility charter makes it compulsory for Erasmus + beneficiaries of mobility actions to use aspects of ECVET. ESF conditions contain clauses about preconditions for investing ESF money into VET. Scenario 4: Instruments become absorbed by other EU instruments EQF, Europass, ESCO and the Recommendation on VNFIL all have aspects which are relevant to ECVET and EQAVET. No EU Recommendations and governance structures on ECVET and EQAVET. Framework contract for studies (EAC )

16 Scenarios to be explored in the study #4
Scenario 5: Instruments become part of a broader VET policy strategy This Recommendation has building blocks and the building blocks are described as frameworks or principles in the Annexes of the Recommendation in more generic terms than currently the case. No separate governance; an overarching governance which decides on a multiannual programme of peer- learning and exchange activities. Scenario 6: Discontinue ECVET and EQAVET The two Recommendations are recalled without any change to the other instruments. The references to quality assurance and flexible pathways that exist in other EU documents are maintained and are pursued through these tools. Framework contract for studies (EAC )

17 Scenarios to be explored in the study #5
Scenario 7: Mandate for a European body to review national QA arrangements and other aspects of qualifications design, award and training provision The mandate of this organisation would be to foster transparency and the quality of national qualifications systems and underling arrangements for training provision. Scenario 8: VET instruments are aligned to similar instruments in HE, leading to an ambition of converging systems across HE and VET To have principles on flexibility of learning and credit systems for lifelong learning in more general terms that do not refer to VET or HE, but qualifications referenced to the EQF via NQFs External QA agencies for VET are incorporated in EQAR with appropriate monitoring systems being put in place. Existing peer-groups would continue but with increased liaison with ENQA. Framework contract for studies (EAC )

18 Thank you for your time! Monika Auzinger 3s Unternehmensberatung GmbH Ali Zaidi ICF

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