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Officials Summer Conference 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Officials Summer Conference 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Officials Summer Conference 2018

2 Introduction Robbie Lindeman- FHSAA Director of Athletics
Girls Volleyball Administrator Wrestling Administrator Baseball Administrator ext. 260

3 FHSAA Baseball Advisory Committee 2018
Rule Changes Pitch Count Discussion

4 Hybrid Pitching Stance
 Called different by associations (misinterpretations) NFHS

5 JV Games adding 30 minutes
Eliminating JV 2 hour time rule Players work all week and deserve to play the full game If there is no varsity game to follow, game should be played until completion Vote to modify to 2.5 hours to a standalone game instead of 2

6 Intermediate Penalties/Restriction to the Bench/Dugout
The basic premise for education-based athletics is education.  The adult coach and game official work collaboratively to teach, train, oversee, model positive behavior and arbitrate the students under their charge.  As part of these “teachable moments” the game official is responsible to maintain order and control the contest so both teams have a fair opportunity to do their best and perform to their highest level. 

7 Game Ending Procedures
4-2-4.Agame that has been called because of weather, mechanical failure or other conditions in which a winner cannot be determined will be treated as a suspended game. If the game is to be completed, it will be continued from the point of suspension, subject to the rules of the game. A game that has been called because of weather, mechanical failure or other conditions after four-and-one-half innings or five innings have been completed will be declared a completed game.

8 Evaluations 2018 Evaluators Dates Concerns February
Additional Evaluations Meeting with evaluators Train the trainers

9 2018 FHSAA Baseball State Championships

10 Emotions Whenever a game is ended by a great play or controversial call, emotions typically run high for the unsuccessful side.  While winning and losing are perfect “teachable moments” opportunities, disrespectful behavior severely erodes the basic premise of educational-based athletics.  When coaches and players allow their emotions to get the best of them and they act badly, the rules allow for warnings, restrictions and ultimately ejections from the contest.  


12 Open Forum – Discussion
Playoff Ecpectations Assignments

13 Thank you! Passion

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