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Anatomical & Physiological Substantiations of Operative Interventions on the Vessels Associate-professor Slabyy O.B.

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Presentation on theme: "Anatomical & Physiological Substantiations of Operative Interventions on the Vessels Associate-professor Slabyy O.B."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anatomical & Physiological Substantiations of Operative Interventions on the Vessels Associate-professor Slabyy O.B.

2 Three Topographic Rules 1
Three Topographic Rules 1.Vascular-Nervous Bundle Sheath is Formed by Solid & Fibers Connective Tissue

3 2.Sheath of the Vascular-Nervous Bundle is Triangular in Shape.

4 3. Apex of Sheath Directs to Bone & Closely Attaches to Periosteum.

5 Vascular Ramification Depends on Limb Skeleton

6 Lesghaft’s Rules of Vascular-Nervous Bundle Organization
All main arterial trunks are situated on the concave or flexion surfaces of the body & limbs. Vascular ramification depends on limb skeleton structure & is connected by arterial archers on peripheral part of limb. All arterial trunks ramify on their way. Moveable parts of body have dense arterial net & roundabout collaterals.

7 Arterial Supply of Upper Limb (schemes)

8 Variants of Subclavian Artery Ramification (Roentgen Image)

9 Axillary & Partly Brachial Artery (Roentgen Image)

10 Exposure of the First Portion of Axillary Artery

11 Collateral Circulation
R. Descendens A.Transversa colli- A. Subscapularis (A.Circumflexa Scapulae) A.Transversa Scapulae (A.Subclavia)-A.A.Circumflexae Scapulae et Humery Posterior

12 Exposure of Brachial Artery

13 Collateral Circulation
A.Profunda Brachii-A.recurrens Radialis A.A.Collaterales Ulnaris Superior et Inferior-A.Recurens Ulnaris

14 Exposure of the Brachial Artery in the cubital fossa

15 Collateral Circulation
Rete Articularis Cubiti A.Collateralis Radialis A.A.Collateralis Ulnaris Superior et Inferior A.A.Recurrens Radialis A.A.Recurrens Ulnaris A.A.Recurrens Interossea

16 Brachial Artery Ramification (Roentgen Image on the Level of Cubital Fossa)

17 Variants of Brachial Artery Bifurcation (Roentgen Image)

18 Collateral Circulation
After A.Ulnaris Ligation A.Radialis, A.Interossea Anterior, Arcus Palmaris Profundus After A.Radialis Ligation A.Ulnaris, A. Interossea Anterior, Arcus Palmaris Superficialis

19 Artery of Hand (Angioroentgen Image)

20 Lower Limb Arterial Supply (schemes)

21 Femoral Artery (Angioroentgen Image & Schemes)

22 Exposure of the Femoral Artery under the Inguinal Ligament

23 Collateral Circulation
A.Glutea Inferior-A.Circumflexa Femoris Lateralis A.Pudenda Externa-A.Pudenda Interna A.Obturatoria-A.Circumflexa Femoris Medialis A.Circumflexa Ilii Superficialis-A.Circumflexa Ilii Profunda A.Epigastrica Inferior-A.Epigastrica Superficialis

24 Exposure of the Femoral Artery in the Adductor Canal

25 Collateral Circulation
A.Profundae Femoris-Rete Articularis Genus (a.genus superior lateralis, a.genus superior medialis, a. genus inferior lateralis, a. genus inferior medialis, a.recurrens tibialis anterior)

26 Popliteal Artery (Angioroentgen Image)

27 Exposure of the Popliteal Artery in the Popliteal Fossa

28 Artery of the Leg & Foot (Angioroentgen Image)

29 Exposure of the Anterior Tibial Artery in the Leg Middle Third

30 Exposure of the Posterior Tibial Artery in the Middle Third

31 Lower Limb Venous System

32 Superficial & Deep Femoral Veins

33 Superficial Leg Veins

34 Thank You for Attention

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