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Information Visualization 2: Overview and Navigation

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Presentation on theme: "Information Visualization 2: Overview and Navigation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Visualization 2: Overview and Navigation
Chris North cs3724: HCI

2 Review Shneiderman’s Info. Vis. mantra? Mapping data to graphics?

3 The Problem Data Screen

4 Typical Navigation 1D scrollbar 2D scrollbars What’s wrong?

5 Keyhole Problem Where am I? Where can I go? Where do I want to go?
How do I get there? Lack of context, overview

6 Keyhole Problem

7 Context is Important!

8 E.g: 3 Overviews of Text (MS Word) Advantages?

9 Visual Overview Show me the data!
Map, organization (spatial layout of concepts) What information is (not) available? Adds context info, relationships Enables direct access Encourages exploration HCI metrics: Improves user performance, learning time, satisfaction Insight

10 Navigation Strategies
Detail Only Overview+Detail Multiple views Zooming Focus+Context Distortion, fisheye

11 Zooming large 2D spaces Powers of 10

12 Zooming: 2D KidPad, HiNote, Jazz
Semantic zooming: Don’t just show things at different size change objects to make sense E.g. add/remove detail info Powers of Ten Controls?

13 Overview+Detail: 1D SeeSoft

14 Overview+Detail: 2D Overview: Detail: Zoom factor = 5
Square in overview tightly-coupled to scroll bars of detail

15 Multiple levels = large scale
overview intermediate view intermediate view detail view Zoom factor = 125

16 Multiple Foci Linkit

17 Focus+Context: 1D Fisheye Menu: Perspective Wall

18 Focus+Context: 2D

19 Comparison Zooming: Overview+Detail: Focus+Context:

20 Comparison Zooming: Overview+Detail: Focus+Context:
Screen space efficient Infinite scalability Lose overview when zoom in Overview+Detail: Good scalability, chaining Multiple foci Disconnect between views, back-n-forth Focus+Context: Integrated overview with detail, connected Least scalable Distortion, overview unstable

21 Quiz Spotfire? TableLens?

22 Design Exercise

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