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Distance and Time Relationships Interpreting Graphs

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Presentation on theme: "Distance and Time Relationships Interpreting Graphs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Distance and Time Relationships Interpreting Graphs
Objective: Students will be able to interpret graphs and tables with relations ship to walking speed and distance from or to an object.

2 Interpreting Graphs Rate of line or Slope Is it happening fast or slow Distance Are they going towards or away from the object

3 Interpreting Tables Distance Where are they starting in relation ship to the object Are they walking towards or away from it Rate What is the relationship between the dependent variables Is it changing slowly or quickly

4 Examples

5 Exit Ticket Objective: Students will be able to interpret graphs and tables with relations ship to walking speed and distance from or to an object. On a scale of 1 to 4 do you feel we met our objective? If we didn’t what do we need to improve.

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