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The scientific Method.

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Presentation on theme: "The scientific Method."— Presentation transcript:

1 The scientific Method

is a process used to find answers to questions about the world around us is an organized series of steps used when conducting an experiment.

3 Step 1: Ask a question or State the Problem
* Must be Testable to conduct an experiment Examples: What happens if… What is the relationship between____&_____

4 Step 2: form Hypothesis Always an “If… Then...” statement, sometimes “because” A hypothesis is a Prediction of what you think is going to happen based on your background knowledge of the question or problem Also known as an “Educated Guess”

5 Step 3: Experiment This is the Investigation
Design or conduct an investigation to help solve your problem or answer your question This does not always mean that your problem or question will be solved, but it will help you get closer to a solution

6 Step 4: Collect Data This is all the information gathered from conducting the experiment Document all Observations Record Data in tables or graphs

7 Step 5: Analyze Data Your Data will ALWAYS be your EVIDENCE
Closely look at, or Analyze, the data collected Examine graphs or data tables for Relationships Find Correlations… this means to look for Patterns Your Data will ALWAYS be your EVIDENCE

8 Step 6: State Conclusion
Develop a well written Explanation using Evidence that either supports or does not support your hypothesis Go back and read the question and hypothesis Retest using your new conclusion Communicate results to others

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