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FDR and the New Deal.

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Presentation on theme: "FDR and the New Deal."— Presentation transcript:

1 FDR and the New Deal

2 Beginnings Election of 1932 FDR vs Hoover Major contrast
Offered Americans a “new deal” FDR wins with ease and takes office March 4, 1933

3 First 100 Days Bank Holiday March 6, 1933 Emergency Banking Relief Act
Glass-Steagall Banking Reform ActFDIC Fireside Chats Off the gold standard

4 Relief, Recovery, Reform
Relief and Recovery priority for first 100 days Practical solutions to real world problems Varied success but something was being done optimism Progressive influence on policies Criticisms

5 New Deal Programs Alphabet Soup
Unemployment Relief Act Civilian Conservation Corps Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA) Civil Works Administration Agricultural Adjustment Act & Home Owners’ Loan Corporation


7 Continued… Securities and Exchange Commission
Tennessee Valley Authority Federal Housing Administration National Recovery Administration Public Works Administration Indian Reorganization Act


9 Second New Deal Works Progress Administration
Wagner Act National Labor Relations Board Social Security Act of 1935


11 Problems and Criticisms
Father Charles Coughlin Huey P. Long American Liberty League Socialism, wasteful, radical Court-packing Scheme How effective were FDR’s New Deal programs?


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