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Industry? Size? Employee? Revenue?

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Presentation on theme: "Industry? Size? Employee? Revenue?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Industry? Size? Employee? Revenue?
EXECUTIVE OPERATION Operation - Don Workman SECTION 1: WHO? Segment: Retail Revenue: > $400M Growth rate: > 3% annually COMPANY BACKGROUND Industry? Size? Employee? Revenue? PERSONAL BACKGROUND Job title Education Job roles: manager/entry/decision maker Who else was involved in the decision making Job functions Senior Operation Executive: COO, Director of Operation B.S./Master in Mathematics, Physics, Engineering Decision maker Married with teenagers Loves cars, science, machinist, skiing, boating Result oriented Empowers employees, facilitates teamwork and supports initiatives DEMONGRAPHIC Marriage status Family: kids/no kids Hobbies: Skills/Knowledge

EXECUTIVE PERSONA Operation - Don Workman SECTION 3: WHY? REAL QUOTES What are their concerns/issues? What do they complain about? What made them unhappy, dissatisfied? “How to best respond to customer?” “How to increase throughput?” “Empower employee.” “Employee retention = customer retention” COMMON OBJECTIONS Why wouldn’t they buy your product? What do they comment about the vendor they did not use/choose? What do they say good about us/reason to choose us? SMARTtill is not a complete cash management solution. We still need employee to count the cash after collecting all the cash from the cash drawers. There is no solution for reducing the counting time and safely storage of the cash before we send it to the bank. SMARTtill is only a part of our cash handling process.

3 Primary challenge? Secondary challenge?
EXECUTIVE PERSONA Operation - Don Workman SECTION 2: WHAT? GOALS What’s he/she responsible for? Primary goal at work? Personal goals? Achieve profit goal. Develop and manage capital and expense requirements and budget. Facilitate teamwork and support initiatives across organization. Increase throughput to meet customers’ needs. Train & recognize employees to achieve high employee retention. Having the right number of employees at any given time for the actual number of customers and sales. Adjusting labor throughout the day to match actual customer traffic. Inventory management: Making sure we had the right number and variety of products from one order cycle to the next. Identifying and responding with best practices to real-time financial and operational KPIs and alerts to meet financial budgets. Ensuring compliance with the myriad food safety, safety, and wage and hour laws. CHALLENGES Primary challenge? Secondary challenge? WHAT CAN WE DO To help our persona to achieve their goals? To help him overcome their challenges? How do they interact with vendors? How much time spend w/sales? In-person meeting? Phone? ? Highlight SMARTtill’s benefits on reducing labor in till checks, cash change runs, shift-change, accounting reconciliation. Free employees’ time to provide customer services and react to unforeseen customer traffic. SMARTtill provides real-time data and alerts to make financial data available for store management to measure against KPI metrics.

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