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EC2i - COSME Project Presentation.

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1 EC2i - COSME Project Presentation

2 EC2i | In a nutshell 450.000€ 150.000€ What the aim of the project?
The aim of the EC2i project is to support European cleantech SMEs to go outside of Europe and to create growth and jobs. Targeted countries for internationalization are China and the United States. Who leads the project? EC2i consists of five clusters: Austria (Greentech Cluster) Belgium (TWEED) Denmark (CLEAN) France (Tenerrdis) Sweden (Sustainable Business Hub) When and where? The project is scheduled for a period of 24 months. Clusters received The grant is financed 75% by the EC’s EASME funds Clusters must finance Partipants must finance 25% of their own funds to the project

3 EC2i | Main objectives Objective #1 How? Objective #2 How?
Stimulate internationalization of innovative European SMEs into large and dynamic cleantech markets with high growth potential ( the United States and China). How? Supporting the export of European cleantech made by SMEs outside of Europe’ and to create growth and jobs. Organizing 4 matchmaking missions, 2 in the United States and 2 in China. The goal is to accompany companies from Europe at each mission. Objective #2 Capitalize on strong common identity and shared vision of opportunities founded on extensive past cooperation. How? The consortium will develop tools to help SMEs enter those new markets, guide them in forming cross-sectoral, multinational consortia along value chains to deliver integrated products and services (Business Intelligence template, SME directory, etc.). Objective #3 Establish and develop  strategic partnerships with stakeholders in the target markets, identify local market opportunities, raise the profiles of European SMEs, and pursue opportunities for collaborative business development. How? Matchmaking missions will be organized to arrange meetings between project owners and solutions suppliers as well as potential local partners.

4 EC2i | Targeted countries - US
Why China and the United States? The United States and China present wide markets and great business opportunities for cleantech's export; for the export of various clean technologies related to smartcities, energy efficiency, renewable energies, sustainable buildings The United States is one of the world largest cleantech markets with a huge potential. Over the past five years 62% of all new capacity added to the US energy system has emanated from renewable resources. The main focus is currently on Green Buildings, Smart Cities, District Heating and Energy Generation. US cleantech market 2015 USD 300 billion* * Advanced Energy Now Market Report. Navigant Research, 2017. Part of global cleantech market 29%* technology-industry-united-states

5 EC2i | Targeted countries - China
China is also one of the world’s largest market for cleantech. Due to rapid industrialization and urbanization, China has experienced environmental degradation. In response, the Chinese government has implemented policies to accelerate the deployment of environmental technologies in fields ranging from water treatment, clean energy, and air pollution to soil remediation. Because of this policy push, the Chinese cleantech market will reach EUR2.28 trillion by Chinese cleantech potential € 2,28 trillion by 2020* * Estimation Smart City Market potential USD 30 Billion* * edgeLibrary/Reports/EU-SME-Centre-Report-Smart- Cities-in-China-Jan-2016.pdf

6 EC2i | Process & Tools Process Tools
In terms of EC2i process, the consortium will first establish partnerships with American and Chinese local partners. Partners in the United States and China will act as bridge builders helping SMEs integrate themselves into local networks, gather intelligence, and help source demand for solutions.  Then it will develop a SME value chain directory to identify relevant companies’ core competencies. Preparatory workshops will be organized to prepare SMEs for the matchmaking missions. Ultimately, SMEs will benefit from their cluster support (financial support, tools, etc.). Tools To meet the market demand in third countries and deliver integrated, global solutions, SMEs must tap into complex value chains and work in partnerships. The consortium will develop tools to help SMEs enter those new markets : Guides: a guide to finance helping SMEs find financial support, and a guide to procedures to help SMEs develop their commercial relations (legal models in particular) ICN Passport: Free access to offices and meeting rooms in China and the United States, facilitated contact with key local contacts as well as discounts for the participation of specific events or conferences. Specific directory, broken down into value chains, to promote the know-how of European companies to potential American or Chinese buyers

7 EC2i | Consortium


9 EC2i | Sectoral and Industrial Focus

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