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Conversation around Process Management Lean, Pull Planning, Agile

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Presentation on theme: "Conversation around Process Management Lean, Pull Planning, Agile"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lean or Agile - When to Use What? David Binnerts Shell Global Solutions

2 Conversation around Process Management Lean, Pull Planning, Agile
When to use what

3 Hands up, if you have ever used
Lean Pull Planning Agile

4 Continuous Improvement

5 Lessons from Business Process Redesign
All work is process work A process may be implicit, or explicit Explicit processes allow us to: Repeat the work consistently over time Teach it to others Measure the results of it Improve it

6 Explicit processes for improvement
Lean Pull Planning Agile

7 Lean Make use of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
These provide a standard for the process In order to identify a gap between goal and performance A root cause analysis (5x Why) helps to identify waste So teams can eliminate it PDCA

8 Pull Planning Make work explicit and reduce lead time and waste in projects: Buffers of non value adding waiting times Waiting Handovers Inventory

9 Pull Planning (cont) Sometimes leads to an increase of:
Overprocessing (on planning time) Overproduction (of documentation) Rework (as schedules had to be adjusted, promises were still not kept, trades would not understand requirements and schedules from others, projects were not delivered as promised). Talent (as team members were constantly chasing eachother)

10 Agile Values Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Delivering a good end product over documentation Collaboration over contract negotiation Embracing change over sticking to the plan And provides simple frameworks for delivering the work

11 So, when would you use what?
Lean Predictable, repetitive, clarity of input, delivery times, clarity of output and expectations, clarity and availability of process conditions… Pull Planning When we know exactly what we need to produce and how (we’ve done it before), when process steps may be made predictable and repetitive, when change is unacceptable (high cost or high risk) Agile When what we make is not known, when the process steps are not known, when we don’t know who and what may be needed next…


13 Stagegated vs. Agile

14 What’s each stage like? Assess Select Define Execute Operate
If a group of <7, then plenary If a group of >7 <10, then combine Assess and Select, or Select and Define, one stage per group If a group of > 10, then in pairs or threesomes, one stage per group Give an example of the stages Describe context Describe what needs to be done during the stage Describe typical challenges Explain why you would use LEAN or PULL PLANNING or AGILE

15 In Shell: Lean Pull Planning Agile Routine execution
Construction of complex and expensive buildings New Product Development Material Handling Projects in remote locations Experiments Contracting & Procurement When costs are almost irrelevant Within stages of complex projects

16 Scrum Framework If a group of <7, then plenary
If a group of >7 <10, then combine Assess and Select, or Select and Define, one stage per group If a group of > 10, then in pairs or threesomes, one stage per group Give an example of the stages Describe context Describe what needs to be done during the stage Describe typical challenges Explain why you would use LEAN or PULL PLANNING or AGILE

17 What’s each stage like?


19 Pull Planning

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