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NCP1a Primary Exchange National Forum

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1 NCP1a Primary Exchange National Forum
Feb 11/12th 2016 Day 2 Session 3: Working with others

2 This session will explore:
The various ways you are supporting teachers in developing their own understanding of teaching for mastery How you are supporting teachers’ subject knowledge development – what are the key needs and how are they best addressed? Supporting senior leaders – what are the key issues? Models for monitoring and evaluating teaching for mastery developments

3 Supporting teachers in developing their own understanding of teaching for mastery
In groups of 6 (hub pairs × 3 different hubs): Discuss the different ways you are supporting teachers; Record these with a title and a short description of its features, structure and benefits; Discuss the relative merits of each

4 Setting up TRGs - some suggestions
Step 1: Get the group of schools together for a twilight meeting. Stress the purpose of lesson observation and post-lesson discussion. Step 2: Set date for 1st TRG. Step 3: On the day, meet the teachers to talk through the design of the lesson. This might also be an opportunity to ensure that more general school context issues are discussed before lesson discussion; Step 4: Teach the lesson; Step 5: Run the TRG meeting and ensure well planned prompts to keep discussion on the mathematics and the content of the lesson; Step 6: Ensure each of the teachers have a task to do back in school; Step 7: Set date for next TRG meeting.

5 Possible post-lesson discussion prompts
What struck you about the lesson, what did you notice? Let's think about the journey of the lesson where did it start, where did it go to and where did it end? Variation – were there any examples of procedural or conceptual variation? What was their value? How would what you saw influence your practice?

6 Planning, running and organising your TRG discussions
How helpful is the lesson observation pro-forma is supporting a purposeful discussion? What might be amended? What prompts are useful while chairing the TRG discussion? How are TRG discussions best structured and managed? Consider how they might evolve over the course of the TRGs you are running for colleagues

7 How you are supporting teachers’ subject knowledge development – what are the key needs and how are they best addressed?

8 Learning Led vs Activity Led Planning
Ooh! There was that great fractions game on that course I went on…the children would really enjoy that! What is the topic I am teaching? What could diff groups of children do in the lesson? Now I’ll type all that into my lesson plan How will I explain the ideas so they can do the task? Planning time focused here …and here I’ll have a quick look on primary resources and see what’s on there.

9 Learning Led vs Activity Led Planning
I’ll look on nrich and read their articles on fractions. Mmm – what is this part:whole relationship they are on about? It’s true the children do always do really badly on test questions where they have to put fractions on a number line and now I see how my teaching has contributed to that. How could I present this idea in a better way to help children understand this and stop them tripping up on this misconception? What is challenging about this concept? What is the topic I am teaching? How will I present this key idea? What will the children do to consolidate this? Planning time focused here

10 Ways to identify what is challenging about this topic
Your own knowledge of what children tend to trip up on – common misconceptions Articles (nrich and NCETM both good sources), MT planning support Analysing your own mental processes (what is the range of strategies you use for example for subtractions which bridge 10, e.g. 14 – 7, 12 – 9, 13 – 5)

11 Planning Guidance 45 minute ish initial planning session for the topic in your year groups – reference NC, MT planning support THINK!! TALK!! DEBATE!! Jot down ideas on a bit of paper, but don’t sit around a computer! Once you have grouped the teaching, identified common challenges and refined your likely approaches to these then outline your teaching sequence in the MT plan.

12 Notes from Y2 planning session – Number & PV

13 Y2 Multiplication and division

14 Working with senior leaders
How are you working with senior leads? What themes are arising from your discussions with senior leads?

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