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“The Map is not the Territory”

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Presentation on theme: "“The Map is not the Territory”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “The Map is not the Territory”
پیش فرض اول “The Map is not the Territory” Alfred Korzybski

2 پیش فرض دوم People respond according to their Map, not to the Territory. (not to the Reality)

3 You can not NOT communicate
پیش فرض سوم You can not NOT communicate

4 Communication Model (Rep Sys
Communication Model (Rep Sys.): How The human mind process the information

5 Neurological Filters

6 Eye Accessing Cues -

7 Neurological Levels


9 Iceberg

10 Conflict between Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

11 Anchor

12 Anchoring

13 Anchoring: How to trigger an emotional state
1) Find a quiet and comfortable spot where you can stay uninterrupted for at least 20 minutes and perform the training process. Sit down, put your feet at the floor and make sure you breathe deeply. 2) Pick a certain emotional state you want to access. It can also be a certain attitude: Curious, happy, ecstatic, resourceful, calm, relaxed, sleepy, orgasmic, whatever the state you want to anchor is, the method remains the same. But attention, because it must be something you have ALREADY experienced in your life. You may use the memory of a film that made you feel with that certain way, a book or even better a real event. Do you remember that time you got that girl to smile to you? Do you remember how GOOD you felt?  3) Pick what kind of trigger you want to use. Will it be a song? Will it be a sound? It can even be a specific body action or a posture: Let's say for reasons of simplicity that you choose it to be a clinched fist. The simpler it is to perform the trigger, the easier it is for you to access that state.  Some visual anchors:The following anecdote comes from one of Richard Bandler's seminars: During the seminar somebody was coughing a bit too often. So at some point Bandler decided to raise his hand every time that guy was coughing. After a while whenever he was raising his hand the guy and some other people would start to cough randomly.  Some sound anchors: Any music song. Some particular sound. How many times have you returned from vacations to find out that some song brings out some ecstatic feeling from you having fun at some beach club?  Some physical anchors: Any body posture you have. Huggy bears (when hugged) A touch A smell I personally wrap my hands with a specific way before I go to sleep and I know several people that do the same. I use the same anchor when I want to be calm.  3) Picture retrieval. Close your eyes and go back to that time when you felt that certain way. Bring the pictures up. Put as much details you can remember from that event. Take your time to bring up as much visual details as you can. See the whole event happen again.  4) Sound retrieval. Remember as much as you can from the sounds of that event.  5) Physical sensations. Remember how everything felt around you. Note if it was windy or if it was cold. Revive all details from your body.  6) Intensify. Now make all the pictures, sounds and physical feelings stronger, brighter and bigger. Loop the pictures and mental movies in your mind, for as long as possible. Double the images and make the sounds stronger.  7) Note the emotion and make it even more pure. By now your whole body should feel completely like if it is IN that state. You will probably BE AGAIN completely SUBMERGED in that emotional attitude. Feel the sensations pass through you. Intensify them again and again.  8) Anchor. At the top of your amplification, clinch your fist.  9) Relax. Feel your body relaxing. Repeat steps 6 to 9 at least a 40 times. You can do it during different days.  10) Test the anchor. Clinch your fist. You will get the feeling back all over you. Congratulations! You have now your own personal trigger of some nice state and this way you can use it whenever you want.  Some side notes. The more intense the state, the more powerful the anchor. This is a self hypnotic phenomenon. You must WANT IT TO WORK in order to work. And it works LIKE A CHARM, believe me. This next one is of prime importance. The stimulus/trigger should be applied ONLY when the states AMPLIFIES and the trigger should be removed when the state peaks. Ideally you should anchor at the maximum amplification of that emotional state. If you continue to apply the anchor after the state peaked, then you will anchor a feeling of relaxing and the anchor will not work at its maximum.  If you do not experience the state when you test it and especially if you experience anxiety, then stop applying the anchor. (You will anchor the negative state!) Focus on getting the four facts above right and the number of repetitions will be less important. Have fun with it. 

14 ASK Science is composed of attitude, skill and knowledge (ASK). Besides that, each of them has different domains involved. For example, knowledge involves cognitive domain and skill involves cognitive and psychomotor domains. This is because, science process skill involves critical thinking in attributing. Hence, we use cognitive domain. In science, we also have manipulative skill , that uses psychomotor domain. Lastly, attitude  such as cooperative and accuracy, involves affective domain. 

15 چند مفهوم Congruency Inter-connectedness Speed (ICT)

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