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Practise DME Paper: Rural Challenges and Opportunities in Malawi

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1 Practise DME Paper: Rural Challenges and Opportunities in Malawi
LO: To investigate and become confident with the content in the Decision Making Paper. To use GIS to create a profile of rural Malawi.

2 Introduction to the DME
TITLE: Poverty and Options for Development in Rural Malawi What is the DME? A decision-making paper 1-hour exam 3 sections worth 50 marks 25% of GCSE Based on pre-release material, which you must LEARN, ENGAGE WITH and UNDERSTAND!

3 What’s decision making got to do with Geography?
In this exam you must show that you: Fully understand the issue Evaluate the advantages & disadvantages Assess sustainability (socially, economically and environmentally ) Consider different people’s opinions Reach justified decisions and conclusions Understand making a decision can often be difficult to meet everybody's needs.

4 So…what is Malawi like? Investigate the thematic maps on You will create a profile of economic and demographic development indicators for Malawi. Choose at least 6 indicators that will tell you how developed Malawi is and use to describe the country as a whole. Do the thematic (choropleth) maps confirm or contradict what is shown on pages 3 and 4? How would you categorise Malawi? LDC, NIC, or MDC?

5 What are the regional differences within Malawi?
Now go to - Increase your viewing size to 400%. Like HDI, MPI identifies deprivations across health, education and living standards, and shows the number of people who are multidimensionally poor and the deprivations that they face at the household level. Focus on southern Malawi – what indicators prove that this region is deprived? Note the ‘real’ numbers of deprivation in each southern district. Note, when explaining to pupils how to use the statplanet interactive map – the number they are shown in % of population deprived (poor) in the category shown. Have pupils focus on real numbers from Education, Health and Living Standards.

6 Make notes…without words!
Listen to the following information. Make notes without writing down any words! You can use numbers….but no letters!! Describe the key points about Malawi on page 3 – bullet points – pupils to use active listening skills to make their notes without words.

7 Using page 4 of the booklet, write on your post-it what the main messages (4 key-points) are from this page.

8 Let’s investigate Malawi’s Physical Features
Using the map on the left and the detail from page 5, describe Malawi’s physical features

9 What is life like for Malawi’s poorest?
Show Mary’s story up to 2.31 – the rest will be used when investigating the options for the future. Pupils are to in the plenary explain to their partner why these are the issues Mary faces based on what they know about Malawi from the lesson today. Note the big issues Mary faces

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